"It Is Unprofessional"

After Ji-Tae and his driver dropped his mother at the Park's mansion, Ji-Tae sent his driver home for the night and went to the fake reception hall to check on Min-Jung. When he got there, it was empty.

He glanced round the hall, and his eyes fell on the phone lying at one end of the room. He walked towards it and picked it up. It looked like Min-Jung's phone, so he pocketed it and returned to his car.

He kept calling the guy's phone to know what had happened, and after a while, someone finally answered the call. "Where the heck have you been?" He asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, we don't take our phones with us when going for a job," The guy informed him.

"How did it go? Where is she?" Ji-Tae asked apprehensively.

"I think she's probably dead. My partner rammed into her with the car," The man said without remorse.

"What? Jesus Christ! I never asked you to kill her, did I?" Ji-Tae asked, trying his best not to scream at the man.