"... You Should Trust Tan"

Lee Nana kept trying Min-Jung's mother's number, but it wasn't connecting. She couldn't understand what was going on.

Just a moment ago, she had called and was about to say something when the line suddenly went dead.

Was she in danger? Why wasn't her line connecting again? Was someone out to hurt Min-Jung and her mother? She wondered as she paced around her room.

Maybe she needed to go to Seoul, at least it was the weekend, and she could resume work by Monday. She said to herself as she stood up to pack a bag. A slight knock on her door interrupted her.

"Are you going somewhere or just unpacking?" Mrs. Kim asked with a frown when she entered the room and saw Nana's bag on the bed.

"I need to check on my best friend's mother and help her find Min-Jung," Nana said, pausing to look at Mrs. Kim.

"Oh! I understand. I'll just ask Tan to get ready and take you there," Mrs. Kim said.