A Peek Into The Past (1)

 27 Years Ago

Jiang Haewon stood back a few inches to observe the picture she had just finished painting, it was part of a collection she was going to be exhibiting at her gallery the next day. 

Her curly long blonde hair was packed in ponytail away from her face, save for some stubborn loose strands that kept disturbing her, she impatiently brushed one off her face leaving a paint stain on her face. 

She shifted from left to right trying to see the effect the ray of light coming from the open window had on the painting from both angles. She was wearing a headphone over her head which was playing a very loud music. She loved to work with loud music playing in her ears.  

She unconsciously wiped her hand on the manly jeans she was wearing as she smiled with satisfaction at the painting and danced to the tune of the music. She turned to see her mother watching her from the door way.