A Peek Into The Past (3)

"How did your date go?" Chairman Jiang asked Haewon curiously. Immediately she stepped into the house.

"Well... It went beautifully," She said after thinking about it for a moment.

"Really? I was told he didn't show up, and you spent the whole time with his personal assistant," Chairman Jiang said with a raised brow.

"That's true. He asked his personal assistant to keep me busy until his arrival, but he couldn't make it," Haewon lied, spreading her hands helplessly. It wasn't entirely a lie, after all.

"Okay then. I was almost worried for a moment," Chairman Jiang said with a relieved smile.

"I told you not to worry, didn't I?" Madam Jiang said, rolling her eyes at him.

"I hope you're not very disappointed that he didn't show up. He is such a diligent young man. That's one reason he will make a good husband," Chairman Jiang said.

"Yeah, sure. I'm tired. I need to freshen up and go to bed," She said before kissing them goodnight.