"Anita Wang?"

"Sorry I woke you up," Tan apologized the moment his mother picked up the call.

"That's nonsense, darling. I was actually hoping you would call to let me know about Nana. How is she? Did you find her friend?" Mrs. Kim asked with concern.

"Yes, we did. It's just all complicated. But that wasn't why I called," Tan said.

"I thought as much. How's my girl doing?" Mrs. Kim asked with a fond smile as she thought of Mi Cha. She really missed having Mi Cha around.

"She is the reason I called. She went out on a date some hours ago," Tan said.

"Awwww, that's so beautiful. Please tell me she went out with Choi Min-Jun," Mrs. Kim asked excitedly.

"She did. But he seemed so different. Is there something about him that we do not know?" He asked his mother curiously.

"I'm not sure I get what you mean," Mrs. Kim said.