Damn It!

Ji-Tae watched his phone's screen as he contemplated whether or not to call Mi Cha. He knew he could play the dumb card with her and easily pretend he was in need of someone to talk to.

He quickly shook the thought off his head. He definitely couldn't do that. Besides, he didn't want to give her enough time to think up a lie. He needed to catch her off guard.

He had been to her workplace earlier and had asked one of the models he had seen inside the building about Mi Cha's whereabouts... she had given him quite an earful.

From all she had said, he had been able to deduce the fact that Mi Cha was busy with a photoshoot somewhere and usually left the office late in the evening alongside the new CEO.

So now he just sat in his car as he impatiently waited for Mi Cha to come out from the building where she was having the photoshoot.