"Make It Tonight."

"What is wrong?" Sara asked with a frown when she noticed Jin-A wasn't being as receptive to her feelings as she had been earlier.

"Nothing. I have a party to prepare for. I can't fool around right now," Jin-A said coolly. After being with Ji-Tae, everyone and everything was irritating her, and she couldn't stand being touched by anyone.

"So we will make out after the party?" Sara asked hopefully. She just couldn't seem to get enough of Jin-A. Maybe it was because she had spent years wanting to have her. She had so many fantasies of them together, and she wanted to play them out with her.

"Maybe," Jin-A said as she applied makeup to her face. She really didn't want to be at the party. She wasn't feeling excited about it as she usually was excited about attending parties.

She wasn't feeling excited about anything else either. Maybe it was because she had lost the necklace at the auction, or probably because of her issues with Ji-Tae.