"I Want To Stop."

Sara was roused from sleep by the sound of someone opening the door. She quickly rushed over to the door in her undies, thinking it was Jin-A.

She took a quick step back when she saw Ji-Tae. She knew who he was, Tan's best friend... The guy Jin-A had faked an engagement with who had been in a relationship with Lee Nana. But what she didn't understand was why Ji-Tae was in Jin-A's house by 04:35 am. She wondered as her eyes glanced at the clock.

"How can you come into someone's home without knocking? What do you want?" She asked with a nervous frown. She felt naked, she really wanted to put on something to cover up her nakedness, but she was feeling reluctant to turn her back to Ji-Tae or lead him to the bedroom.

"Where is Jin-A?" He asked, looking at her with an ugly frown. Her unclad state was the last thing on his mind, not when he had Nana waiting for him to act as her knight in shining armor.