"I'm Cool, Right?"

Tan frowned in surprise when he noticed his mother's car in the company's parking lot. Who drove it there? Was she back already and didn't let him know? He wondered as he stepped down from the car and went round to help Nana down.

"What is wrong? Is everything alright?" Nana asked him curiously when she saw the frown on his face.

"Mom's car is parked over there," He said, pointing to the car.

"Could she have returned without informing me?" He asked.

"Well, good thing we are here. Let's go find out," Nana said, hooking her arm with Tan's own as they walked into the office building.

They went straight to Mrs. Kim's office, and because she had no secretary yet since she was yet to replace Min-Jun, Tan knocked lightly before pushing open the office door.

His jaw dropped open, and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw his mother locked in a kiss with his father.