"I Feel Relieved."

"I can't believe you actually did it!" Tan said immediately after Nana finished talking to Jin-A.

He was looking at her in amazement and with newfound respect. He had known she was a wonderful person and also a vengeful person, but what he had just realized was that she was only vengeful when it came to petty things, not really heartless moves like these.

"Yes, I'm sorry I backed out of our plans. I just couldn't find the stomach for all that nastiness," Nana said with an apologetic smile.

"So, how do you feel about what you just did?" Tan asked, eyeing her curiously.

"Honestly? I feel relieved, like a big truckload of burden was just lifted from my heart and shoulders," Nana said with a sigh.

"What if she tries something again?" Tan asked.