
"What is your relationship with Mr. Park Ji-Tae?" Detective Tae-oh asked Jin-A after asking Sang-Wook and Sara to excuse them since they needed privacy with Jin-A.

Ji-Tae? Of all questions to ask, Why were they asking her about Ji-tae? Had something happened to him? She wondered, hopefully.

"He.... He is my ex-fiance... It wasn't a formal engagement," Jin-A said reluctantly.

"And what is your relationship with his driver?" He asked again, making her frown before avoiding his gaze.

"He was my ex-fiance's driver," Jin-A said, trying to remain calm. How did they find out about her involvement with the driver so soon? Jin-A wondered, on the verge of panic.

"By 'was,' I take it you are aware he is dead," Detective Tae-oh asked her. He could tell she was hiding something.