"... She Isn't Late."

"Water," Tan whispered as he tried to open his eyes and fight through the haze of dizziness.

"You're awake?" Nana, who had dozed off beside him, asked as she sat up.

"Water... I'm parched," Tan said as he tried to sit up but groaned when pain shot through his left hand.

"Relax. I'll get you water. Just lie down," Nana said before standing up and walking over to the little table in the hospital room to pick up a can of bottled water which Min-jun had gotten her earlier.

She helped Tan sit up a bit before holding the bottle to his lips to enable him sip the water.

"I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose you. How're you feeling now?" Nana asked tearfully when he was done drinking.

"I'm okay. You're not losing me, not now and definitely not ever," Tan assured her in a weak voice as he wiped the tears from her face with his right hand.

"What if something had happened to you? What if.."