"Where Is She?"

"You can't do that. My daughter is innocent. Just give us time to clear it up. It's all a misunderstanding," Governor Kang pleaded with the Chairman of his political party over the phone.

When had everything taken such a wrong turn? If only he hadn't been unconscious the previous day, he would probably have been able to find a way to sort out things before they deteriorated so badly.

"We can't do that. We have given you enough chances. Your daughter is always in one news or the other. We can't have a person like you representing our party in the coming presidential elections," The man said over the phone.

"I will fix it. This will be the last time it ever happens. Please," Governor Kang pleaded.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do about it. I only called to let you know you've been disqualified from representing the party in the coming presidential elections," He told him again.