
"Chief..." Suzy called with a nervous look on her face, not knowing how to break the news to him but also knowing that he was going to be very mad if she chose to keep it from him and he found out later.

"You sound this way only when there is trouble. What? Is there a problem?" He asked with a frown as he raised his head from his laptop to look at Suzy.

"I think you should see this," Suzy said hesitantly as she approached him with her phone.

The Private investigator had just sent her a picture of Ji-Tae carrying an unconscious Nana out of the hospital premises. He had also texted to say he was going after Ji-Tae to know where he was taking Nana to.

He had been watching Jin-A discreetly as usual and had noticed Ji-Tae following, so he had stayed back only to notice another car was following Ji-Tae.

He hadn't noticed the car on the previous occasions when he had seen Ji-Tae following Jin-A.