After leaving Nana in his car under the watchful eyes of the police officers as well as the private investigator, Tan walked back into the cathedral with a heavy heart as he picked up Ji-Tae's clothes from the ground.

"What do you want to do?" One of the detectives asked Tan when he saw him moving close to Ji-Tae's naked corpse.

"You have a problem with me covering up his nakedness?" Tan asked in a harsh voice as he sat on the floor beside Ji-Tae's body.

This lifeless body had once been his best friend. He would never have wished Ji-Tae death, never.

He would have thrown him in jail if that was what it took to stop him, but he would never have thought of killing him.

He had seen the look in Ji-Tae's eyes when their eyes met before he pulled the trigger.

The Ji-Tae who had pulled the trigger was his best friend and not the monster in him that had done so much evil.