'I Want You'

"Who is that hottie with Eun-kyung and Jin-A?" Mi Cha whispered to Nana, who was poring over a bridal magazine with her. Nana quickly raised her head to look down at them from the rooftop.

She cocked her head to the side and hid an amused smile when she saw detective Tae-Oh. "That's the detective who took a bullet for Jin-A," Nana told Mi Cha with a wink as they both waved at them with a smile.

"Do I sense a romance there?" Mi Cha asked Nana excitedly. There was nothing better than a good romance story to her at this point in her life.

After all the horror and wickedness they had all just survived from, a romance story would be a breath of fresh air for them all.

"Let's hope so. He's really good-looking, too," Nana said under her breath when detective Tae-Oh waved back at them with a grin.

"Really? I heard that," Tan called from behind them as he hugged Nana.