
Min-Jung frowned when she opened her door and saw Selena standing there with some books in her hand.

"Hey, pumpkin! What's up?" Min-Jung asked her with a confused smile.

"Daddy says I should come over to your place, that he is expecting a guest," Selena told her with a shrug.

A guest? What guest would make him send his daughter out of the house? It couldn't possibly be a female guest.

"Do you have any idea who this special guest is?" Min-Jung asked Selena with narrowed eyes.

"Don't tell him I told you, But I think it is Miss Christy," Selena said in a whisper.

"Why do you think so?" Min-Jung asked, wrinkling her nose in displeasure.

"I heard him mention her name and then said he was going to make sure I don't see her, so she shouldn't worry," Selena told her with a frown.