"I'm Not That Jerk!"

"So what do you want?" Min-Jung asked impatiently after letting Alex into the house.

"I noticed he left, and you didn't go out. So I thought I should come over," Alex said with a sigh as he glanced around the house, trying to see if anything looked out of place; he could only hope nothing had happened. 

"That still doesn't answer my question," Min-Jung reminded him impatiently.

"I'm attracted to you," Alex blurted out very fast, making Min-Jung's heart skip a beat. Was it working already?

Min-Jung tried to hide her excitement with a shrug, "That isn't news to me. Even your family noticed your attraction to me, but that obviously didn't stop you from being attracted to someone else either," Min-Jung said, giving him a pointed look. She didn't intend to let him off the hook so easily.

His jaw tightened, "I never said I was attracted to her," He reminded her with a scowl.

"Really, Lexie?" She asked, mimicking Miss Christy.