Vengeance Begets Vengeance.

As Tan got into his car, he could only pray that Mrs Park would decide to give him a call soon enough, just as she had called Min-Jung earlier on.

He had to find a way to set things right before anyone else got hurt. If there was one thing he was fast beginning to learn, it was the fact that vengeance always begets vengeance, no matter how justifiable the reason was.

Tan decided he couldn't rely on just the police to help them find Mrs Park. He was going to have to find time to have a private conversation with both Min-Jun and Tae-Oh during the karaoke party tonight.

He was going to need them all to put their resources together to find Mrs Park since they all had something at stake.

He glanced at his wristwatch and groaned when he realised it was past eleven already. Nana was going to be very mad if she found out he was yet to leave Incheon.

*Ring* *Ring*