"You're A Lesbian?"

"You're sure you don't want to be a cop?" Tae-Oh asked Eun-kyung as she narrated how she had trailed the private investigator who was following Jin-A.

"A cop? No! Thanks for the offer. I'll pass," Eun-kyung said with a grin.

"Why didn't you tell me about it, though?" Jin-A asked Eun-kyung with a scowl.

"You? Someone needs to remind Jin-A about the kind of person she was until she met her detective boyfriend," Eun-kyung said, rolling her eyes while the others laughed at Jin-A, glaring at her.

"He isn't my boyfriend!"

"I'm not? Don't you think 'yet' is missing in that statement?" Tae-Oh asked Jin-A in a very low tone which made butterflies flutter in Jin-A's stomach as she recalled their encounter in his house the previous day.

"Thanks, Eun-kyung. I like to know if you all have noticed the changes," Tae-Oh said with a wink.