Ask Nicely.

"Hello! Is Miss Kang available?" Tae-Oh asked Jin-A's secretary with a polite smile.

"Yes. Please, who are you? I don't think she is expecting you," The secretary said as she looked him over.

"I'm sure she is. Why don't you tell her that her boyfriend is here," Tae-Oh asked with a proud smile while the secretary gave him a look of utter disbelief.

What boyfriend? Was he delusional? Was it even possible for someone like Kang Jin-A to date someone as simple as the man before her? No offense, he did look really gorgeous and nice, but he wasn't stylishly dressed as one would expect Jin-A's man to be. Was he possibly the one who had sent those flowers and had made her so calm?

The secretary shook the thought from her head as she reluctantly dialed Jin-A's number, "Someone is here to see you. He says he is your boyfriend," The secretary informed her immediately after she took the call.