Just Like That.

Alex stepped on his brake when he saw a familiar person walking towards the house, a few blocks from their building.

"Selena!" He called as he stepped out of his car and hurried towards her. It was a very short note from Mrs. Park.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed as she jumped on his body with a happy smile on her face. She didn't look hurt, and neither did she look like she had been crying. As a matter of fact, she was holding an ice cream cone in one hand, and her mouth was stained with ice cream.

Alex took a deep breath as he held her close to himself and tried to calm himself, not minding his shirt, which was becoming stained by the ice cream. He inhaled the flowery fragrance of her hair as his heart gradually stopped racing.

"Where were you, and why did you leave school without waiting for me?" Alex asked as he pulled away from her to look into her face.

"But Mark picked me up," Selena said with a confused smile.