Typical Good Boy.

"She really said that?" Nana asked with a frown as Tan relayed his conversation with Mrs. Park to them.

"Yeah. It makes sense that we meet her at a restaurant anyway. It will be a neutral environment," Tan said with a nod.

"Well, I'm glad she suggested meeting at a restaurant herself. I don't think I would have accepted a glass of water from her had we visited her at her home," Jin-A said with a mock shiver.

"What are we going to say when we meet with her? It's going to be my first time meeting her, and I'm afraid it is going to be a really boring meeting. I had hoped we could just meet with her at the police station, offer a short apology, and leave," Nana said thoughtfully.

"You're overthinking it, babe. Don't worry. You don't have to say anything," Tan assured her with a small smile.

"It would have been nice had Min-Jung been around for the meeting," Nana said with a sigh.