I Want Min-jung.

"What took you so long?" Tan asked with a frown the moment Nana walked into the house while Chairman Jiang and Mr. Lee exchanged an amused glance. They couldn't believe Nana had been gone for only three hours, yet he was complaining.

"Sorry, we all went to convince Detective Seok-Jin to tell Jin-A where Tae-Oh was hiding. Did you know he moved out of his apartment and resigned from his job?" Nana asked as she took off her shoes and walked over to where Tan was standing to hug him.

"He did?" Tan asked with a frown.

"Yeah. He hasn't been taking her calls either, so she was really worried," Nana said as they both joined her grandfather and father in the living room.

"He probably needs some time to be alone and grieve. He might not be able to do that if she is around him," Tan said, making Nana scowl at him.