No Ladies

Immediately Alex arrived at the airport in Seoul. He took a cab to the company where he had hired a car from the first time he visited. He needed a car. Amongst the other things, he needed to move around conveniently.

Immediately after getting the car, he drove over to Mrs. Park's residence. He had gotten the address from Min-jung's mother since he did not want to involve Tan and the others this time. He needed to do this for himself.

He parked the car some feet from her house as he surveyed the environment. He would do this every day until he found a clue or anything he could to prove that Ji-Tae's mom was behind Min-Jung's disappearance.

He thought about Min-Jung and wondered how she was doing and what she was possibly up to. He did not doubt that she was at least physically safe wherever she was... but he also knew that she was perhaps very worried about them and that her baby might be who is in actual danger of growing up without its mother.