Chapter 2: The Village

My duties are constant and that's what makes my life boring as well as the lack of friends or significant others. This is the life I lead and I didn't think it would change any time soon but seeing that my parents have already arranged a marriage for me is a bit promising. Although, it's not exactly what I want, I can't complain when they have planned this for almost eighteen years now. All I can think about is how great my parents are for thinking of me even before I was born. They really are the best...


I'm currently helping Mother to clean the living room for tonight's dinner. The atmosphere is as quiet as always as I brush my way round the room in hope of a single sound to break the silence.

"Lilian dear." Mother speaks.

"Yes Mother?" I reply.

"I think you've helped quite a bit. Why not go down to the village and get me some products for the castle. I'll give you extra so you can get something for yourself."

"You don't have to give me extra. I have everything that I possibly need." I say.

"Even so, take some money even if you don't intend to buy anything. You can always put the rest in your savings jar." Mother hands me the money.

I look down at my palm and sigh.

"Alright. Thank you Mother." I smile.

"Of course. Anything for you."

I stroll out of the room towards my bedroom at the second floor. Placing some comfortable clothes on and a light coat on, I drop the money inside my purse and into my coat. Then, dash downstairs to the bottom floor to get my shoes on.

"Lilian?" A voice comes from my left. It's Father.

"Since you're going down to the village are you able to get me some new materials. Any colour and design will be fine."

"OK. How many pieces?"

"Fifteen should do it."

Father hands me some money so I can get the materials. I put the money in a separate compartment in my purse, I hug him and get going for my forty five minute walk to the nearest village.


Walking through the deserted road in the middle of the woods can be pretty calm. The twitter of birds and the slow sail of the wind brings me to think of all those days when I was younger with my aunt who used to take me on her travelling adventures in the space of our huge backyard. We would have so much fun being different characters every day. The good old times will never cease to fade inside my memory.

The scenery is very lively and the trees make way for some of the sun's rays.

Glancing ahead to the beyond, I start to see the village from afar and I decide to quicken my steps as to arrive at my destination quicker.

Finally, after all that walking, I arrive at the village where the scents are as intense as they could be and the heat is unbearable to the point that it feels like my coat might just catch on fire.

Wandering through the hustle and bustle, I come across the first stall I could see. It's a fruit and veg stall and I am able to get the first items on my mental list. Next, I pass a home ware stall and a room decorating stall which I manage to get my Mother's last products.

Thinking about what else I need to do, I remember that I have to get my Father some materials. He's probably going to make new outfits to sell to the other Kings and Queens of other kingdoms. That is his business after all and that's how he makes a ton of money from. Mother is an artist and an author so her work takes her to the global stage which makes her richer than Father, however, she doesn't tell Father that because he'll probably get obsessed with beating her. My parents are too competitive it's way too funny sometimes.

Looking left and right, I happen to spot a new stall that I haven't seen before. Seeing a stall owner who I recognize, I ask him what the stall is going to be about.

"I don't have much information on the stall owner but I've heard the stall is going to include rare and beautiful materials from the western side of the country. I'm betting that it will be a very popular stall but I hope it's not too popular that it takes my stall out of business." Stall owner Deredan chuckles.

"I hope so too but that stall is important." I say, keeping my eyes fixed on the stall.

"For your Father?" Deredan asks.

"Mhm. He's always needing new materials so he can make new clothes to sell in the royal market. He's doing quite a good job really."

"That's good to hear. Well, if you're wondering when it the stall owner will start selling the materials it's going to be in two days time. So, if you need the materials, come back then if your Father can wait that long that is." Deredan adds.

"Thank you for the help Deredan." I wave.

"You too Lilian. I hope you have a safe journey home." Deredan replies.