Chapter 6: New Stall Owner

It's Thursday, a whole day has passed since the dinner meeting took place and since...I had my first kiss. I'm once again in the village market of our Kingdom. There are way more people than on Monday. Still, the atmosphere hasn't changed at all which is a good thing since I was beginning to miss it.

Walking around, I spot new stalls with different products the Kingdom of Freingar hadn't beared before. One of them has jewels and gems. I approach cautiously and observe curiously.

"Welcome. This is the jewel, gem and precious stone stall of Madam Agat from the Eastern side of the country. We sell any kind you can think of from the common and familiar jewels like Ruby and Emerald to some pretty rare and priceless one like Tiger's Eye and Black Opal gemstone." The stall owner, a middle-aged woman, announces.

"Do you have Poudretteite in your possesion?" I ask.

"Poudretteite? I do, in fact, have it. Are you looking to buy it?" The stall owner says in a kind of hushed voice.

"Yes. I am, actually. I just need a small one for possession."

"Lucky for you, I have just the size that you want." The stall owner kneels down to take the gemstone. When she stands up, I am mesmerised by the stone's beauty. It's a wonderful crystal-clear purple-pink colour and it shines greatly.

"How much is it worth?" I whisper, my eyes glued to the gemstone.

"Well, this small one doesn't cost as much as the bigger one but I put my price for a thousand."
The stall owner says.

"However, I could lower the price to eight hundred minimu-"

"I'll take it."

The stall owner looks at me incredulously.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm certain. Please wrap it up for me."

The stall owner nods slowly and places the gemstone in a small fabric and then in a confined box and into a small doll-like basket.

"Here you go."

"Thank you." I smile to the woman as I give her the money and walk away, clutching the precious item in my hands.

Taking my list out, I check what else I need to get and find that I just have one more thing to buy - Materials for Father.

Wandering around, I see the stall that I've been looking for and to my relief, it is open for business. Quickening my pace, I reach the stall in no time and look over the materials available.

Surprisingly, the materials are embroidered with rich colours and delicate fabric that could be made for the best Kings and Queens. Seeing the price, I'm taken aback by how cheap they are.

"See anything you like?" A voice speaks.

I glance up.

Right in front of me is the most extraordinary person I've ever seen. It's a boy, that looks to be twenty years of age. His hair is placed in a messy yet fascinating knot on top of his head, his clothes look to be quite average-looking however, they are better than most stall owners clothes and his face is quite unexplainable expect his eyes, which are deep with colour and mysteriousity.

"Well?" The stall owner says again.

I snap out of my trance.

"Um..." I start, feeling heat rushing to my cheeks.

"W-What would you recommend?"

"Hmm, well, let's see...the material I personally like is this one, which is made from a mixture of silk and velvet and has a very smooth touch to it. But, it really depends what you want. Do you need a specific type of material or have you not got a clue?" He tells me.

"I didn't ask my Father what material he wanted." I say, truthfully.

"Well, take this one then." He takes a material which was hidden behind one of the other materials.

I look at its design and I know it's the perfect one.

"May I have five of the materials?"

"Of course. Also, since you're my first customer, I'll give you an extra material to keep." He puts the five materials in a basket and the sixth one he wraps it up in a ribbon.

"Thank you very much." I bow lightly, while taking the products from his unbelievably soft hands.

"How much are the materials?" I ask, taking my money out.

"Twenty edams."

I hand over the money and put the products in my bag.

"Thank you for visiting." The stall owner says.

I nod and start to head out, pretty dazed from the beauty I've witnessed. I don't think I'll be able to sleep much tonight or do anything since I can't stop thinking about the new stall owner and how I'm going to tell my parents that I've fell in love with him, unexpectedly.