
After leaving a movie theater, a man had walked in front of the road speculating about the cliffhanger from said movie. Suddenly, there was a loud honking and lights flashing from his right side. The man turned to look with fear stricken eyes. Then, everything went black.

No noise.

No light.

No feeling.

Just, Black.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, there was a small dim light. Then, in a massive blast of power the light exploded out like that of a supernova.

There stood a massive humanoid figure, it looked like someone took a picture of space, then just cut a human out of it.

'Well thats.....something.' Thought the recently deceased man.

"Hello young one." A booming voice spoke out. The man looked around confused as the voice came from in front of him, yet it came from behind him aswell.

"Fear not young one, I'm hear to help you. I made a critical error during my pla-I mean work time." The booming voice spoke once more. Seeing the young man not speaking it decided to continue.

"I, young one, am known as the God of the Void. I need not expand on that I hope. Anyways, I'm hear to grant you 5 wishes aswell as reincarnate in a world of your choosing."

"Uhhh….okay....I suppose." The man spoke somewhat confused, yet his voice had faint traces of excitement on it.

"Speak your wishes so I may grant them. I also must warn you that you will be, unable to keep your memories of your current life. " The booming voice spoke out in a commanding tone this time."I must once again warn you, choosing to accept these, you will become my successor one day."

"Uh....Alright, I'm fine with both of the conditions." The man spoke with giddiness in his voice this time. After sitting in the void for what felt like mere seconds the man spoke his wishes and world.

"For my world I choose the world of Dragon Ball Z. Then for my first wish I want to be born as a Frost Demon"

Before the man could continue, the god spoke out once more. "Being my successor, your race would be upgraded to the Divine grade. It would also take on some dark colored characteristics."

The man spoke out." That is fine with me. For my next wishes I would like complete control over my Ki, I wish to have eternal youth, I wish to not need any sleep, food or water, and for my last wish, I want to have a system like those in the novels."

The god spoke out one last time before sending the man off. "All very simple wishes" After a brief pause he spoke one final time. "Your wishes have been granted, live well in your new life, even if you won't remember this nor your previous life."