
During that one year spar Nox had finally decided that he would spend 100,000 System Points on the [Sickle of Sorrow]. Nox, wanting to test out the weapon asked Whis if they could go at it again so he could test something. He decided to say that he had made it inside of his staff.

"Very well, Let us spar once more. After that though, I'm going to send you back into my staff"

"Very Well"

Summoning the [Sickle of Sorrow] out of his Ki, Nox rushed towards Whis and began his onslaught of attacks. Nox threw attack after attack at Whis with the [Sickle of Sorrow]. He cut tears in Space-Time with each and every strike. Whis was impressed with Nox's new move and had to actually begin blocking Nox's attacks rather than just dodging. Nox kept on his onslaught of attacks for a straight 7 years.

After the onslaught had finally ended, Nox was standing straight up as if he had never lost an ounce of stamina. Whis was letting out a small smile before he began talking.

"My my, you have quite the amount of endurance. That's besides the point, you've created quite a nice Ki Weapon. You have impressed my with that, but I believe its time for you to go back into my staff."

Nox just nodded at the approval before getting sucked back into the staff. He began training under 1,000,000,000x Namek's gravity. Once he finished with that training he alternated to meditating. He began alternating that for the next 6 years.

Time Skip:

6 years after entering the staff the last stated time, The Destroyer, Beerus, began to wake. Whis and Beerus began their conversation of a Super Saiyan God before travelling to King Kai's planet to find Goku. Whis had been smiling inwardly as he knew that if this Super Saiyan God premonition didn't play out to all that it was supposed to be, he had a backup plan, Nox.

Travelling to Earth, they began the normal events of canon DBS.

The events of Battle of the Gods had ended, Beerus and Whis had been returning to Beerus' planet. Beerus was in a somewhat good mood as he had found someone who could one day become a real rival. Suddenly, Whis spoke up.

"Lord Beerus, I know that your happy you found someone who could one day be a rival to you, but I think that I have someone who could challenge you currently."

"Oh yes? Well lets go find him."

"Actually Lord Beerus, when we arrive at your planet we could summon him straight to us as he has been training with me for many years. All I have to do currently would be to take him out of my staff."

"Very well, Lets head to my planet and then we can test this rival that will be better than that Super Saiyan God."

Arriving on Beerus' planet, Whis took Nox out of his staff. Standing on the outside of the staff after around 6 years, Nox took a look around to find himself back on Beerus' planet. He began to look around before locking eyes with the humanoid cat known as Beerus the Destroyer.

"Hello there, I take it your Beerus."

"Yes, and I'm rather impatient to find a true rival to my power so, lets have our glorious battle."

"Very well, lets do this."

Neither Nox nor Beerus got into a fighting stance. They both just stood with their hand behind their backs, evaluating eachother. Suddenly, a leaf hit the ground and both combatants shot towards eachother.