Does This Even Count As A Tournament?

(Btw, I'm done using power levels as its a lot harder to find true information on power level at this point in the series.)

The angels signaled the begining of the match while Nox just stood still watching Botamo.

He slowly began to walk forward knowing the only person from Universe 6 that could hurt him at this place was Champa. He continued his exhasperated walk towards that big yellow disabled Teletubby. Once Nox arrived at Botamo he sent a punch only for it to be absorbed straight into him.

"Isn't that nice....You can absorb my punches"

He just used his Ki to lift Botamo off of the ground and threw him out of the arena, giving for an anti-climatic match. The angels called the match and another Frost Demon jumped into the arena.

"Another Frost Demon? Hopefully you'll give me more of a challenge than that massive jellybean."

"Oh, I will give you the fight of your life."

"Yeah yeah, charge into your {Final Form} and attack me."

Frost, taking his advice charged into his {Final Form} and charged towards Nox. He simply dodged all his attacks, yawning before humming a tune. Frost, getting irritated at being toyed with decided to try and attack him with his poison. Nox caught his arm that had the poison and swiftly broke it before throwing it out of the arena.

"Cheating isn't nice Mr. Frost"

Frost simply clinched his teeth before taking off to the stands. The next fighter dropped into the arena. This time it was a massive robot. It landed into the arena and the fight began. The robot ran towards Nox only to have his fist caught by a single finger of Nox. He sighed before hitting the robot with a Kiai and knocked him out of the arena. Looking towards the stand of Universe 6, Nox called out.

"Could you all stop wasting my time and give me an actual fighter, or do I just have to keep doing whatever this is, cause this is definatly not fighting."

Champa, angered by his taunting sent his strongest fighter, Hit, inside the arena. He landed and the match began. Nox was hoping that this fight wouldn't be a total wash. Hit ran towards him throwing time skip punches towards Nox while Nox only wondered if he could get any more training from Whis. Snapping from his thoughts, he caught a punch from Hit before breaking his arm with two of his fingers. Kicking him out of the ring he called out towards Universe 6 once more.

"Okay, So when are you sending your strongest fighter?"

Champa just sat there with a shocked and sweating expression. The only one left just got up and went towards the arena. He entered and Nox let a smile come to his face.

"So, you must be the strongest of Universe 6, I can't wait for our glorious battle!"

"Uh...actually Mr. Nox, ummm..The man you just knocked out was our strongest fighter.."

Nox, listening to this felt his mouth and eye twitch at the same time. He let out a small sigh trying to control his anger at this new development. He just walked towards Cabba, hit him in the stomache quickly knocking him out. The angels announced the victory while Nox continued trying to control his anger.

Everyone in the Universe 7 stands were watching with shocked at what had transpired. They felt wronged that someone that powerful had onced killed a few of them. Two members of the audience felt the need to fight him. One for anger that there was another Frost Demon in Universe 7, and the other just wanting to fight a strong opponent.

Walking towards the Universe 7 stands to ask Beerus and Whis to just take us to get the prize. He quickly asked the question and they had left in less than 5 minutes after. They quickly left towards the Super Dragon Balls and the rest went as canon.

Whis took everyone back to Earth where before anyone could comprehend that they were back at Earth, Goku asked for a spar from Nox.

"Listen, you've spared with Beerus, so have I, our spar ended in a draw with both of us at our true maximum power. However you went with Beerus, is how it will go with me."

Goku not having anything to refute with, tried to come up with an argument using his limited brain power. Nox quickly walked towards Whis asking him to let him train back in his staff. Whis, not having a problem with it let him back into the staff.