10: Darn This Heart

Still half asleep, Luke instinctively stretched his arm and groped for Arabella.

When he couldn't find her, he opened his hazy eyes to be blinded by the sun beam penetrating the curtains. He blinked a couple of times then he looked around to find out that Arabella wasn't on her bed or in the room.

"What time is it?" he thought as he checked the clock on Arabella's bedside table. Then cursed when he realized that he slept until half past ten.

"Whoah! I've never overslept," he cried. He lazily got up and picked up his scattered clothes on the carpeted floor.

Luke couldn't help but smile when the amazing time he had last night with Arabella hovered in his mind. Having the thought of it, he yearned to see her again, so after putting his sweat pants on, he looked for his 'wife'.

"Arabella," he called as he walked to his room, which he found empty.

"Maybe, she's playing with 'our' son downstairs," he blurted before excitedly ran down the stairs.

Meanwhile, at the garden was Arabella chatting with Owen, who was playing with her son.

"He's already four months old, right?" Owen asked.

"Yeah! He's turning five months in two weeks," Arabella replied as she was gently pushing the Venezuelan hammock where Owen and her son were lying in.

"I think he's old enough to have a baby sitter," he said. "Right, little buddy?" he said. Then, he carried Saraknib and sat him on his belly. Owen flexed his legs to support the baby's fragile back and head as he cooed and tickled his neck. Saraknib giggled. They laughed at his reaction.


Both Arabella and Owen turned their heads towards the sound and saw Luke with a dark facial expression. Smile suddenly disappeared from Arabella's lips. There was an awkward silence. Owen attempted breaking the deafening quietness contrasting the loud splashes of the waves.

"What's up?" Owen greeted still lying comfortably unknowing of the uneasiness she's feeling because of Luke's reaction. His piercing eyes penetrated her soul.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" Luke replied coldly.

"C'mon... I always come by every Sunday. So what's the fuss? Also--- I miss them, especially this little guy!" Owen explained. Then he turned to Saraknib,"You also miss me, right?" Saraknib giggled.

Luke scoffed. Arabella didn't like it.

"Can you look after my son for a while?" she told Owen, who agreed with a slight nod and a smile.

Arabella then walked towards Luke, who was then being eaten by his jealousy.

"Can we talk?" she asked.

"'Bout what?" he replied coldly.

"Let's go inside and talk," Arabella ordered.

"Hah! Now, you have the nerve to give me orders, huh?" Luke huffed.

Arabella ignored his irritation and dragged him inside by his elbow.

"What?!" he annoyingly asked once they were in the living room. She let go of his arm.

"That should be my question 'coz I don't understand why you're acting weird now?" she said.

"Weird? Who? Me? You must be joking!" he exclaimed exaggeratedly. Arabella rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"Fine! I think, it's a waste of time talking to you right now then," she firmly said before walking away.

"Do you like Owen?" Luke suddenly asked. Arabella stopped from taking another step. Perplexed, she turned around to see him staring blankly at the floor.

"W- what?" she asked when she finally found her voice.

"Do you like Owen?" he repeated. Now, sadness was so apparent in his voice. Arabella creased her brows in confusion.

"What?! Are you serious?" she said. She really couldn't grasped his point or where he's coming from.

Luke looked at her with teary eyes. Then, he let out a harsh sigh.

"Well, he's handsome and rich. And you seem to get along so well," he stated.

"That's ridiculous! Are you saying that your jealous of your own friend, who you consider brother?!" she exclaimed in disbelief.

"Jealous?" he said, almost talking to himself. "Maybe?"

She was stunned. "Why?!"

"Can you blame me? He's always there for you and Saraknib. Every time you have a problem, you call him first. You comfortably tell your stories and share giggles! Yes!!!! I am jealous! I am jealous every time he makes you smile~"

Arabella smiled at his predicament. Before he knew it, she walked the distance between them and kissed him on his lips. For a moment, he stood still as he was utterly shocked by her bold and reckless move.

In her mind: "Oh my god! What did I do? He might think that I'm an easy girl taking advantage of his feelings!"

In his mind: "What the fuck are you doing to me, Arabella? You just don't know how you affect me, especially physically. Now--- I just wanna fuck you here."

That was the most awkward kiss between them. Their lips were sealed but their bodies were frozen. She pulled away.

"What just happened?" he asked, still having a hang over of her unexpected attack.

"I don't know. I just wanted to shut you up from blabbering," she replied. He was disappointed by her answer.

Click! Click!

They both turned their heads towards the source of the noise and saw Owen cradling Saraknib in one arm and holding his phone with his free hand.

"Gotcha Adams!" he said with a wicked smile.

"How long have you been standing there?" Arabella asked while still red in the face.

"What did you hear?"

"Uhm~ not so long ago," Owen answered casually as if nothing happened. Then, he turn to Luke, who looked uneasy.

"But--- just in time to catch the highlight!" he continued.

"You're impossible!" Luke said, controlling his voice not to scare the baby in Owen's arms.

Owen just ignored his statement as he walked passed them and sat on the sofa.

"You're creepy, Owen!" Arabella uttered.

He smiled coyly at her and said, "At least, I'm still handsome!"

Arabella couldn't hold her smile because of Owen's action. But when she saw Luke frowning at her, her smile immediately faded.

"I think I should prepare our lunch," she said to escape from Luke's intense stare.

"And I think, I should help you!" Luke told her.

"No need," she replied trying to keep herself calm.

"I insist! You are not a servant here. Besides, that's what 'husband and wife' should do, right?" Luke insisted emphasizing the words 'husband and wife'.

"But~" she complained.

Owen shaked the rattle on their faces. They looked at him with creased brows.

"Ugh! Can both of you just go and cook? Your nonsense agruments are disturbing us here," Owen told them after he fixed Saraknib's pillow. Then he played a collection of Barney movies and songs.

Arabella didn't have a choice but to follow Luke in the kitchen.

Once there, Luke closed the door and pinned Arabella against it, kissing and touching her sensual body.