Scales. Fur. Feathers. That's all I wife from the waist down was bright blue shimmering scales, leading down to fins; My brother in law: black fluffy ears atop his head with a matching tail on his lower back ; One of my many, many sisters in law: was sorta normal looking other than her back, it was equipped with wings that would make ravens jealous.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Peter and up until a year ago, if anyone told me I would marry a mermaid whose family was just as weird as her, I'd have laughed in their face. I mean who has a werewolf for a brother and raven for a sister?....Oh I'm sorry; Ainion would like me to tell you that he's a wolf shifter and Tanya was just a freak born with crow wings. But like I said, it all happened about a year ago. Here allow me to explain.