11. Team Up

Andrea and Jane are ready with all their belonging to S city at 11.00 am.

David was really speechless seeing how these two precious women in his life when they team up. David book businesses seat on the train last night, using his phone.

The train will depart at 12.15 pm from B city train station.

"Aren't you two a bit early to be ready"

"Nope, Dad will bring us to the station after dropping the twins and Mom at their school" Jane calmly talk to her uncle

"And you, why don't you ready?" Andrea look at David who wears his usual a knee-length white short with a navy t-shirt, his sunglasses hanging out of his t-shirt.

"I am" David reply as saw his mom stare him from top to toe

"Is there something wrong?"

"Huuuuuufft" Andrea releases her breath and says nothing


Harry put bags and everything belongs to his daughter and mother in the trunk.

"You don't have any?" Harry asked David

"No, just this" David shows his backpack

Harry dropped them at the station, asked his daughter to behave and take good care of her grandma, remain her to call her mother every day. David assured him even though he's busy he'll have one of his secretaries to be with them. Harry hugs them and leaves when the train announced it will depart soon.

Jane's mouth opens wide as soon as she saw all the food prepared in their room, a proud feeling bloom in her heart look at her uncle, her eyes full of love knowing how much his affection is... she knew all the food is her favourite and grandma fave.

"Don't just open your mouth like that, came here and eat, I order all this knew you'll love this delicious food and soon we will arrive in S city, so hurry up and finished it"

Andrea phone vibrates when their eating

[ mom, I will be unreachable for a few days, due to some situation I need to deal with, but I am ok, I will contact you as soon as possible].

Read Gea's message, the atmosphere around Andrea look bit cloudy. David watched her mother... before he can say anything his phone rang. End the call just received David make several calls.

Jane just finished eating when David said

" Mom, I'll drop you at my place there will be Edward he'll accompany you around and if you need anything just talk to him." David look really uneasy while gripping his phone

"It's something wrong, don't worry about us... just deal with what you have to " Andrea knew there is something that David need to handle, it's not the problem that makes him uncomfortable, the fact that he has to leave them as soon as they arrive that troubled him.

"We will be fine, besides we will be at your place and there is Edward as well so don't you worry" Andrea hold his hand hug and tapped him at his back assured him both of them are fine.

Soon they arrive in S city Edward explained everything.

"Anna has all the information needed, she'll accompany you for this trip"

Edward is David wingman he's sharp and really accountable, Andrea meet him numerous time, she knows David trust him a lot, he is the one that deals with the company when David not around and the one that helps David have extra time to spend with her, she believes that leaving them with Edward around make David have a peace in mind. David drops Andrea and Jane at his place get a quick shower, change his clothes to formal suit, switch from a handsome normal-looking guy to A-list entertainer slash businessman comb his hair with business style David is really a man of attraction.

"Edward... thanks man, I leave them with you"

"It's ok, don't worry... we'll have some fun"

"Mom... mom... I am leaving" David call Andrea when he is about to leave

"Grandma is taking a shower, she asked me to say take care and good luck" Jane tiptoe and land a kiss on both of David's cheeks, with a really bright smile

"One from Grandma and one from me"

"Ok, listen to her and uncle Edward, call him when necessary... and Jane.!.... behave"

David also look at Edward and mouthed 'sorry for the trouble', Edward rolling his eyes and sent David a text

"Yes, sir!" Jane's answer bit irritated with the way David talk even deep down her heart she knew it's all based on love and care.

Kissing Jane's forehead and hug her tight David whisper "I'll make up to you and grandma when I'm less occupied "

"You better be... hmmm...uncle before I forgot, your caaard...."

"Edward has my card, he'll give it to grandma later, bye"

David read Edward's text when he's on the way to the airport

[no trouble your family it's mine too just hurry up back 😉].

David smile and reply

[thank you, don't forget to put a daily transaction limit on my card before giving to them]

David has no problem with his mom using his card, he just doesn't trust her decision when his niece around.