5. Year Zero, The Final Month

As the last month before Voldermort's attack began, I imagined and visualized the ways it could go, it prepared me. It did not prepare for everything, but it made me realize not to panic, or do anything foolish, for if I screwed this up not only would me and my family die, but I an entire world would be at the whim's of a madman.

I would like to say the rational part of me was able to seperate my emotions from what I knew had to be done, but I could not, not entirely. My parents had cared for me; from when I was in the womb, to when I was just a small, useless bundle of flesh, and still would be for quite some time. Sure I learned to crawl, and they seemed really excited about it, but raising a baby was almost like hell, the sleep deprivation, the crying, the puking, the shitting, it goes on and on for months and years, until you finally get something resembling a somewhat small human.

Yet my parents went through these past eleven and a half months taking care of me, which resulted in me feeling somewhat grateful for them, I even searched my mind and thoughts to see if there was a way, anyway, I could save them, but I could not.

I was simply powerless to do so, for I was a baby, and also even if I had the power I would still not, because even though I was grateful for them for raising me, I was not their son, not really, and saving them would cause countless problems, and even more countless deaths.

I had never killed or been the cause of death directly or indirectly to anyone or anything, yet I knew what was going to happen, and let it happen anyway. I knew it wasn't my fault, but I just felt it sucked that I wasn't able to do anything, or that if I could I still wouldn't. Which made me feel a twinge of an unsettling emotion, but I soon used my past life's experience of shoving those feeling deep down into a dark abyss of my mind, then I used my current life's experience of Occulemency training to literally shove those feeling down a deep dark abyss, within my mind.

I did however use the last remaining month, besides training, to make it the best month I could for my temporary parents. I even broke my own rule of laying low, to say my first words to them, which were "Dadda and Momma."

When my parents James and Lily Potter heard those words, they freaked out, they were so happy, they were jumping up and down, hugging one another, it was liked they won the lottery, and to be fair they did, they gave birth to me, Harry Freakin' Potter.

I even felt another pang of emotion, which I delt with, with another masterful use of Occulemency, although I was not yet a master, for I knew my path of magic was going to be a long and arduous one.

Half a month was going by, and the anticipation was getting tiresome, it's like get it over with already, but I calmed myself with my mind arts, which I would like to point out was one of the most underrated fields of magic, after calming myself I then went back to, if you could call it that, playing with my parents.

It was a week before my birthday, and I saw my birthday gifts, which my parents didn't hide very well, for they were not expecting an alert baby who could understand them and see the gifts as they were buying them, and although they were meant for a baby, they were still magic. Part of me was going to be upset that I wouldn't be able to receive them, and then discover how they work by dismantling them, and putting them back together again.

A part of me also realized how messed up that was, that I was upset about losing my presents, almost, as I was about losing my parents, but then Occulemency straightened out my thoughts and emotions, and turned them into something more productive, my plan for when Voldermort showed up.

My plan, if you could call it that, was simple, act like a baby, for I was a baby, and if I acted in any way to drastically unlike a baby it could make Voldermort suspicious, and if he was suspicious he would become paranoid, and as such would be wary, and might deviate from his unplanned, plan of just throwing the killing curse at a defenceless baby, after murdering said baby's parents.

As much as my no plan, plan, made sense it still didn't stop me from feeling uneasy, but I expect that's to be normal when you have to let a killing curse land on you, and hoping it doesn't kill your new body, and might actually kill you. Even though I was pretty sure I would survive for the reasons of being Harry Potter, and my technique which allowed my will and state of existence to continue, without form, even in the void of darkness and nothingness.

Which is why I called it Void Will Technique.

It was two days before my birthday and I decided to let my parents have another "perfect" day, I walked a couple of steps in front of them, then I fell on my bumm. It was a bit painful on my baby bottom, but the pain soon, went from a dull ache, into nothingness.

It was one day before my birthday and, I wasn't going to do anything more for my parents, because too much is overkill, and besides I wasn't even a year old and I could crawl, say two words, that they knew, and walk a couple steps. For a baby I was pretty advanced, although I was a magical baby.

At night I trained yet again, even with my nerves as tight and jittery as they were, and at the end of my training I used Occulemency to calm my mind and put myself in a trance like sleep.

This is something I had learned resently, it allowed my body, and mind to rest, while still allowing me to be partially aware of my immediate surroundings, and any danger that I may be in.

It was not yet perfect, but it was better than nothing, I called it the Dreamless Sleep, obviously because I could not dream in this state of sleep, which I was working on, because lucid dreaming, was basically a super power.

Think about it, if you could go to sleep, and wake up in a dream in which you could control your every action within your dream world, you could literally do anything, while you were sleeping, who knows what you could accomplish in your dreams, yet even as a wizard I could not enter a state of lucid dreaming, yet.

This made me think that the dream realm was not as simple as I once thought, and it could be like it was portrayed in books, a realm of magic, and other mysterious powers, just as mysterious as magic, maybe even more, because if this was a realm made of dreams, than it could access dreams of living beings in different universe's, dimension's, and reality's.

Finally it was my birthday and also the day of the attack that would be executed by Voldermort. As the seconds and minutes passed me by I grew more alert with each passing tick of the clock. Until finally it was nightfall, and as I rembered the attack came during nightfall I prepared myself, by laying still in my crib, and acting like a baby, and making baby noises.

After laying in my crib for sometime, I finally heard a loud noise, which seemed to come from downstairs, in the house, or the immediate surrounding area. I tensed, then untensed, as I went back to acting the part of a baby.

I heard more noises, and they grew louder, then some shouting, and the scuffling of wood, like there was a fight, or someone was dodging spells that were being flung through the air.

That's when I heard a loud thud, a thud which I knew to be a body hitting the cold wooden floor, and I knew it was my father's, and that was the first time I had thought of James Potter as my father, for he had raised me, cared for me, and died for me.

That's when I also realized Lily Potter was my mother, and I would have to watch her die, in front of me.

I activated my mind arts and immediately pushed all these thoughts down and out of the way, for they could get me killed. I calmed myself and I concentrated on calming myself so much, a bit of drool leaked out of my mouth.

During the moments I was calming myself, I was still listening to the surroundings sounds.

I heard a shrill scream of my mother Lily "James, Nooo!" Then I heard the sounds of footsteps coming up the steps, and my mothers voice frantically saying "Harry! I have to get to Harry!"

My mother soon found herself up the stairs and rushed into my room, she flung the door open and as she ran across the room to get to me, the wall furthest away from us, connected to the front of the house burst apart, and wood and flames went everywhere, the wall bad blasted to pieces by a spell. My mother had stopped and braced herself from the after-effects of the explosion, and while she was righting herself, at the same time Voldermort flew into my room, through the hole, he himself had blasted through the wall.

As Voldermort flew in, the flames on the wooden wall and floor parted, and as he landed on the wood floor he walked towards me, with his wand at the ready.

My mother seeing all this launched herself in front of me and tried to convince Voldermort to spare me, but all he said in return was "Step aside, and I shall let you live." I knew these words were only because Snape begged Voldermort to let Lily live.

Yet my mother wasn't having it and refused to move herself and stayed rooted to the spot shielding me, with her body. Voldermort patience was near non-existent as it only took a couple of seconds after my mother refusing to step aside, before Voldermort launched the killing curse at my mother.

As I sat there, within my crib, watching my mother's lifeless body falling to the floor, I felt some form of magic, coming from my mother, to me, it wrapped around me, warming me, and then, it imprinted itself upon my skin and flesh. It was then I realized I was protected, and all the fear left me, as I lifted my head from my mother's fallen body, to meet Voldermort's gaze.

As I the Great Voldermort stepped over the body of a filthy mudblood, I made my way towards the baby, the baby who prophesy said would be my downfall. Preposterous that I the Great Dark Lord Voldermort would be defeated by a filthy Half-blood, for I was Made immortal not once, but seven times, the thought of my death was inconceivable, laughable. Yet I found myself rushing to this baby's house to kill it myself when I had minions to do the filthy work, that was beneath me. Yet I knew that prophesy's were not to be taken lightly, which is why I had to see to this task myself.

At first I did truly have a hint of fear born in my heart when Severus told me the pieces of the prophesy he remembered, but know as I stood here, in all my glory, I found my earlier fear ridiculous, for as looked into the face of my enemy all I saw was a drooling baby. As we stared into each other's eyes for a split second, I then raised my wand and yelled triumphantly "Avada Kadava!"