8. Fooling Everybody.

Days had gone by and I soon had a furnished underground base, it had six upstair rooms, a master bedroom,with a bathroom, and five large rooms that I would use in the future, and a large empty basement, and under the basement was a space full of dirt, minerals, and metals that Bitsy had stored there on my orders.

I also had Mistys who after furnishing the Wizard Cave #1, only had to clean it once in awhile, pretend to be me as a baby. This way if someone checked the Dursley's memory, or just checked in, all would seem normal, for house elves could fool magical people, and non-magical people both.

I now could stay at the Dursley's without being abused and free to do what I want, when I want. I could do this while staying safe inside the blood wards, although I discovered, with the help of my house elves, I only needed to stay a couple weeks every year, but this was my new base, and was close enough to magical London, and diagon alley, where I would get most of my learning and Wizarding materials in the future.

The Dursley's also had a gardening shed in their backyard, which I made have a secret exit and entrance to my Wizard Cave #1. So now I could leave, and live without having to actually see the Dursley's, because I was right underneath their noses, and they were none the wiser, although they were never wise to begin with.

I soon sent my house elves to gather all the Hogwarts learning materials from the first year to the last year. I then put all of the books and materials together, and put them on a large bookshelf, which I placed a wooden plaque on top of which read "The Basics of Becoming a Wizard" for I felt all the spells they taught you in Hogwarts were just to build your foundation in magic so you could later build your own path forward in magic.

Even though I knew I could study magic on my own, I knew I wouldn't be able to learn all I could, or learn as fast, if I followed an already laid out plan of learning that had long been established, and been proven to work. Then I began slowly learning the course material of Hogwarts starting with the first year.

Before I began I started by summarizing what I had learned already, because some of it was quite advanced or esoteric, when it came to the normal way of using magic, for example I bet almost no wizard could use telekinesis with just their mind, and no magic, and the mind arts,what little I knew, were quite advanced, and not even taught in Hogwarts.

I had also learned some basic first year spells already like, Lumos, Wingardium Leviosa, Alohamora, and the summoning Spell Accio, which was a fourth year spell, but was so basic, when only used in the same room, it should be a first year spell. Long distance use of the spell to summon things would be far more difficult I was sure.

My self taught techniques were the void will technique, dreamless sleep state, two kinds of telekinesis, and my mind arts known as Occulemency, which allowed me to review my memories, sort and hide memories, control my emotions and body better, and the latest thing I had learned was to insert my own thoughts into a person's surface thoughts, which enabled a short-term limited version of compulsion or mind control.

Occulemency was only self taught because I had future knowledge of the mind art, but no actual book or knowledge how it is usually performed, so I had to discover my own way.

The ways I used magic accidentally or in an instinctual way, was by having used magic to warm my body, to soothe pain, and lastly to perform a small human transfiguration by strengthening my vocal cord muscles.

I had learned and done all this in a year, which was impressive for a baby, but I was still baby cannon fodder.

I had learned some of the basic spells early on and repeated them constantly, which allowed me a near instant mastery of them when I was able to talk and cast them verbally, although I still preferred silent casting. The repeated use had improved my control towards these spells, but for my control of new spells I would learn, it was unknown. Yet it had increased my magic power by a certain margin, and my willpower had inched forward yet again.

When I first made my mental stats page, it was instinctual, and some of it was a pretty good guesswork, but some things I had no way of knowing, but now with my increased use of mind arts, it allowed me to better gauge myself, and my strengths and weaknesses. So I once again pulled out my mental stats page and updated it.

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human(Wizard)

Status effect: Horcrux(Soul Corruption 1%)

Strength. 0.2

Dexerity. 0.3

Intelligence. 1.8

Magic. 2.0

Willpower. 3.2

Luck 1.0


Willpower: 3.2

Mind Power: 32

Magic: 2.0

Magic Power: 20

[ 1 Stat point = 10 Mind or Magic power]

[ .1 Stat point = 1 Mind or Magic Power ]

After updating my mental stats page, I stored it safely within my mind once again. My magic power had increased, and was catching up to my willpower, but my willpower barely increased, and I needed to find ways to increase it.

My body had grown a bit which increased my strength and dexterity, but it was basically negligible, the only real improvement was being able to walk and talk. Although as a year old baby, I would still keep that a secret from most people, besides my house elves.

My intellect had also barely increased, but I had a mind and education of a non-magical human adult, but I was learning new and better things such as magic, and some magic had a steep learning curve in certain aspects of the human psyche. The patronus charm took emotional control, the mind arts such as Occulemency took control of the mind, and most magic just took will, intent, and visualization.

I wonder if there were other magics that focused on other parts of the human mind, or should I just say the mind, because elves and goblins, veela, phoenixes and other magic creatures could use magic. So maybe all you needed to use magic was a magically attuned mind or soul, there were some holes in this new theory, but those were thoughts for the future.

Luck was ephemeral, so I doubt it had increased or decreased. The very last thing though, was that now I was a Horcrux, which brought some benefits, and some downsides, for which most I had negated with my Occulemency.

So after I summarized my strengths and weaknesses in my mind and inner thoughts, I came to the conclusion in basic spells I was almost at the end of first year of Hogwarts, just needed to learn a few more spells. With my more advanced magic included though, I would find myself with a deadly advantage.

The next thing was to decide upon a lesson plan, I grabbed the first year basic spell book, and other first year books, and that was it for my normal wizardry education.

For my more advanced education of the wizarding arts I included Legilimency, which is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practises this art is known as a Legilimens. Muggles might call this "mind-reading," but practitioners disdain the term as naive, I had remembered this fact from my past life when I had once googled Legilimency.

I would also learn Obliviate, and Expecto Patronum. That concludes my first year lesson plan, and what I will be learning for the next year of my life.