10. First Year Lessons Pt.2

The next first year basic spell that I chose to learn was the hair-loss curse, I had my elves father some cats, and soon I was in a room full of hairless cats, I then ordered one of my house elves to sell these hairless cats in the non-magical world, because I remembered that the breed of hairless cats were quite expensive, but of course mine would be slightly cheaper to undercut the competition, beside the fact that they were fake. So soon I would have an increase in my non-magical currency.

Being left alone in a room full of cat hair was the perfect situation to learn the next spell, the scouring charm, or the cleaning charm, I had to blast the piles of hair a couple times each before I had properly removed all the cat hair, but I had done it.

To be on the safe side, since I had no desire to have any cat hair in this room, I ordered Misty to clean and replace everything in the room, including the air.

I then left the room, I had taken to either walking or, using the levitation spell on myself to silently float through the air, or to be carried by one of my house elves, if I was tired.

This time I floated out of the room, like most times, because I quite enjoyed floating through the air, plus it allowed me to constantly train my magical power and control. Although I was only able to levitate myself a few inches off the ground at first, with continued use I was now able to float a while six inches, or half a foot in the air.

Floating out of the room, I went back to the bookshelf to once again learn a new spell, from the basic first year spellbook. The Hot air charm, after reviewing it once more both in the pyschical and mental book, I started to practice, but before that I had one of my house elves gather some materials, for I had an idea.

After repeated casting of the spell or charm I had managed to properly learn it. I had learned 10 of the basic first year spells, and would now need to learn only a couple more.

It had only been 3 months though into my first year, so after completing my learning of the hot air charm, I decided to recreate something from my past life, and in my current life, the steam engine.

The hot air charm, causes the air to turn into hot air, and as many know, hot air rises, so using the materials my elf fetched for me, I began building, but I had two piles of materials, one was for me to build the steam engine magically, the other was for me to build it physically.

I knew magic was important, but I also knew being able to do things without magic was important, growing up without magic sucked, and it prepared me to learn to be able to do things non-magically if I were to ever find myself without magic for whatever reason.

I also had my willpower which gave me non-magical telekinesis or as I called mind telekinesis and the void will technique, two indispensable techniques. Yet magic with the right application could do all that and more.

So I began to build the steam engine physically first, which was quite tough on my baby body. I just needed a small machine, which was encased with a wheel such would be turned by the rising hot air, connected to that wheel would be a small device which when turned would produce a small amount of electricity. After finishing it I then with a house elfs help permanently enchanted it with the hot air charm, I then used it to power a bunch of light bulbs around the house, for that was all it had enough power for, for now.

My Wizard Cave #1 was furnished and decorated by my house elves, but they used candles around the house, and I had slowly replaced them, with my servants help, with many small permanent Lumos charms hanginging freely from the air, like small amounts of twinkling star light. I had based this design partly in Hogwarts main hall, and the night sky.

Now though I had a non-magical way of lighting my wizard cave without magical means, in case there was ever a need.

I then quite easily assembled the second steam engine with my magic, then disassembled it, and once again reassembled it the final time with just my mind and will.

The first steam engine took me quite some time, it took me 6 months to complete, for although I had the memory and some basic knowledge from my past life, I was scrambling in the dark when I actually built it for the first time.

It had now been nine months into my first year and I had 3 months to learn 3 more basic first year spells, also turning a matchstick into a needle, potions and herbology, magical history, theoretical lessons and knowledge on defense against the dark arts and the best for last flying, although sadly on a broom, but it was one of the next best things than flying or levitating under your own power.

Most of this was just learning and remembering knowledge, which would be easier for me, and then implementing that knowledge in its chosen field of magic, which some would be easier and some more difficult.

Magical History and theoretical knowledge on defense against the dark arts only took a week to store in my mind, mainly because there was so much information, especially about goblin wars in magical history.

I also added reviewing that knowledge to my nightly mind arts practice, for you never knew when the most obscure piece of information could prove important in life, or near death situations.

I then began with turning a matchstick into a needle, which I thought would be easy, and I was partly right, it was easy to turn the first part into a needle, but the consumption of my magic power, when compared to my basic spells, was massive.

Luckily with all my practice and training I had a good reserve of magical power, for a baby, but still it allowed me to know why transfiguration was one of the most difficult and dangerous fields, because changing one thing from another, even temporarily consumed a huge amount of focus, and magical power.

Yet I was gladdened by this new discovery, for draining my magic power had lately become very time consuming, but with this new exercise added to my daily training schedule, it would allow me to shorten my training time, while keeping the same amount of progress. Training was important, but it could also me mind numbingly boring.

I completed turning a matchstick into a needle with the consumption of a large part of my magical power, but still practiced it daily, while also changing it into different shapes and small objects.

I also started on my potion training, which was also largely theoretical knowledge, for the first year student only needed to be able to brew five potions.

They were a cure for boils, a forgetfulness potion and the wiggenweld, which is a potion that is a healing potion with the power to cure injuries, and is also the antidote to the Sleeping Draught and the Draught of Living Death, which first years would also learn to brew.

I would also be learning the knowledge of potion materials which could be use against poison, such as the Bezoar, a stone taken from the stomach of a goat, and could be used to save you from most poisons.

I also started to learn the identification of potion materials.

Potion materials such as monkshood and wolfsbane, which were the same and also commonly referred as aconite.

I also learned what would be created if powdered root of asphodel was added to an infusion of wormwood, which was a sleeping potion so powerful it was known as the draught of living death, as was mentioned briefly in my potion book in earlier pages.