12. A Potter Family Vacation

The most magical place in the world was Disney World in Orlando, Florida, or so the advertisements said, but it was a lie.

Disney World in 1982, or in any time was not magical, I immediately regretted that this was one of the random spots we had chosen.

I decided to fix that, I had my house elves animate all the attractions in Disney World, I stayed around for about ten minutes watching all the non magical people having a great time, and not realizing it was real magic.

I soon realized that this might bring unwanted attention towards us, and maybe the magical world, so I had my elves cover all traces of us or what magic they worked. Just as they had finished Aurors started to show up, so then, with a quick demand of my elves we all turned invisible, and we dissapeared into the night, while the Aurors cleaned up our mess.

Well that was a bust, I thought, and not very magical. Our next random destination was Chicago, Illinois. It was a large bustling city, but sadly it too was a let down, the only good thing from that place was some of the pizza.

After weeks of travel and disappointment, I was starting to grow tired of this. So I decided to visit only one more place, because so far we had gone to two of the random destinations, and the first two were chosen by the elves. The last random place we would visit was the last elfs random choice, and we would skip mine.

The Last location was in Bavaria, Germany.

It was actually not that bad, it had snow capped mountains and was quite beautiful place, but it was very cold, so we had to use warming magic the entire time.

All this non-stop travel was getting to my baby body, sure I used magic to energize soothe my body, but after 3 weeks of traveling the magic was becoming less effective, and had to be used more. So we packed up all our belongings and any souvenirs we may have acquired, and headed home.

That night we arrived back at the Wizards Cave, I did my training, and went to sleep normally.

After a good night's rest from weeks of travel my mind and body felt refreshed, and glad to be back at home base.

I thought some of those places would be great, but most were not, some were disappointing, some were okay, I guess it just shows that you can't believe everything you hear, no matter how hyped up it is.

I had two weeks till the start of the new year of 1983. I was already two years old, and quite tired of having a baby's body, I had already had some ideas of how to accelerate my growth, but I was unsure if the drawbacks would be too detrimental, so as difficult as it was being confined in the body of a baby, I chose to wait, and grow naturally.

In July 31st of the next year I would be three, and then two years later, when I was five, was when I had decided to start training my physical body. I did not want to train to early and damage my body, so the most I had done was some simple stretching exercises with my daily and nightly magic training.

For right now though I had two more weeks until the new year, I didnt want to start the second year lessons yet, or travel much anymore. So I just stayed home and relaxed, besides my nightly and daily training schedule.

Soon though, I once again grew bored. That's when I had a great idea, I could stay in one place, while still seeing some of the world, while being in that place.

So for the last week of the year, I had me and my elves, find a train, we took one of the suites for the rich, and I had my elves place a disillusionment charml, and other spells that would make people forget about this room, while we occupied it. Yes I knew this was illegal, and I could pay, but I was in a baby's body, and that would raise so many questions, and it could be traced.

Most importantly though knowing how all businesses worked in my past life, and current life, I knew this small dip in profits wouldn't really hurt the business owner, and company of the train, plus I had my elves make sure this room was scheduled to be empty this whole week, so nobody was going to use the room anyway.

So no harm, no foul, and I got to spend and entire week in my cabin room while the world moved around us, and we could see all sorts of beautiful places and scenery. I had my elves takes shifts of guarding, and observing the other passengers, and taking breaks to enjoy the trip also.

This decision actually led to one of my elves observing a group of non magical people who were going to rob the passengers of the train.

Hearing my elf report this, I grew excited, sure I could let my elf handle this, but it was near the end of my trip, and I had once again started to grow bored. So instead of letting my elves handle this, I decided to intervene myself, with my elves as backup, in case of an emergency.

I tried not to get to full of myself, but they were non magical, and the little magic I knew was not much, but still I was a wizard and they weren't. So I used my Occulemency to full my emotions a bit, and though this out in a more rational way.

I was outnumbered, I was almost certain of my victory, but even so, I decided to do the smart thing and attack from the shadows, for stealth was always the way to go, instead of guns blazing.

Having my elves relay all information on my targets, they told me there were four of them, they all had knives, and guns. They were located in two train cars at the end of the train, opposite of each other, close to the exits.

Instead of waiting for them to attack and then act, like a fool. I waited until night time, my elves reported they had all went to their rooms and had finally fallen asleep.

I had one of my elves cloak us all with an Invisisbility spell and we all left my room, and traveled two train cars away, until we were in the hallway of the train, in front of their two rooms.

I slowly tried to open the train car door, but it was locked, so I cast a silent unlocking spell, and the lock clicked. Since I was trying to be stealthy, the lock click seemed louder than usual. I waited a couple minutes, until I was sure the click went unnoticed, then I slowly and silently as I could gently opened the train car door.

Once I was inside I slowly came creepily floated toward a prone figure lying on a bed, when I was next to the figure i focused my mind and cast the body locking curse, then quickly willed, with my telekinesis a sock in their mouth, and a pillow case over their head, and tied them up with some rope I had my elves carry.

The tied up figure was awake now, I was sure, and incapable of making any muffled noises, for now, I was tempted to practice my legilmency on them, but held myself back as this was an unsafe time to expirement with my magic.

I then moved onto the second, and last person in the room, floating silently next to them, I decided on my next course of action, I had an elf soundproof the train cabin, and then tied up the criminal, I left his head and mouth uncovered, as I focused my will, and magical power and cast the slug vomiting he's towards the last criminal in the room.

I was rewarded with the criminal's eyes flying open and awake, as a bulge formed in their throat, and they vomited up a greenish slime covered slug. Seeing my first time using the slug vomiting Hex, on a person, work correctly I was content. I then used my telekinesis to block the air from their mouth and nose, until the criminal passed out, and surprisingly even when passed out, they continued to vomit slime covered slugs.

Being done with dispatching these two, I then stole their belongings, because who better to steal from then a thief. I then moved onto the next, and last room, with the last two criminals.

Repeating what I had done before I cast "Alohamora" then as the door click, unlocked, I waited a few minutes, until I was sure the passengers inside did not hear it. Placing my hand on the door, I slowly opened it, to find both criminals still sleeping, I thought a moment before deciding to just do what I knew worked.

I floated up to the first one, and tied then up with some more rope, my house elves had, and stuffed their mouth quiet, with cloth, then covered thier head, after hitting them with a body locking curse.

I turned around in the air, while still maintaining my levitating spell, I had been using all along to move my small baby body. When I had completely turned around, I was faced with the last criminal still sleeping, and lying in his bed.

With a quick thought, I complemented myself on my first successful stealth mission, while hitting them with a body locking curse, and tying them up, and covering their mouth and face, no more slug vomiting hex, no one wanted to see that again, myself included.

With all four criminals apprehended, I took the remaining belongings and moved them all into one room, I then had one of my elves lock the door, and cast a soundproofing spell and disillusionment charm on the room, for now that my task was done, and the danger over, I was going to use the last of my train trip to practice my Legilmency, or the mind art of entering, and reading minds.