15. A New Plan

After waking up, doing my morning training, I then astral projected and floated above my body, with my legs crossed in a meditated stance.

I then thought about what to do next, after reading that long and boring list of spells, I decided I did not want to learn magic in a stuffy classroom, I wanted to learn magic in my own way.

Keeping things like the normal timeline though, when interacting in my physical body, I could find a way to disguise myself, and when it comes time to learn at Hogwarts, I'm sure I could find a magical solution to tricking everybody in just like the normal Harry Potter.

Back to my new plan though, first I had my house elves sort through all the Hogwarts books year 2-7, it took quite along time but I then, but then I entered their minds and copied theirs memories, of all that knowledge. Know I could slowly assimilate it into my knowledge and memory, and review it anytime I wanted.

It would take awhile, but I had it all in my head now, just in case, and if I really needed to know something or needed a certain spell, I just had to sift through the huge piles of new memories.

With that done, I moved on to the next phase of my new plan, traveling the world, finding new magic, and just enjoying all the earth has to offer. Yet this would be dangerous.

So I had my house elves maintain their invisibility on themselves and me at all times. Then I had them get me a wizards tent. With this I could travel or go wherever and within the tent, I would have a huge amount of room and space to maneuver.

The only thing being I did not like interacting with people that much, so I decided, that while traveling, I would also collect any knowledge someone had, through the copying of memories.

This would be easy on non magical people, but on wizards it would be far more difficult, because I was not that strong yet. So it would be even more dangerous, the only thing that could help me power the danger, were my house elves. Yet I did not want to build an army of house elves.

Power borrowed was not your own, and though I doubted it would ever happen, an army of house elves could betray me. In history there were many who thought that there armies would always remain loyal, but many people in history were overthrown by those they thought loyal.

So I had a broom and house elf apparition to travel, a wizards tent to stay in, and massive amounts of knowledge in my memories, food and water, and other supplies and materials, inside an expanded space trunk. Also an expanded space pouch for smaller items and currency.

Most important though was building my own magic. So I thought of what I wanted my magic to do. I wanted to travel in astral form, anywhere on the planet, while my body stayed in the same spot.

So I thought about it, if I was a giant that was half the size of the earth and I astral projected, I could easily traverse the earth. So it was a matter of my own mind limiting my abilities, because human perception could only take you so far.

Returning my astral form into my body, I once again focus on altering the spell. I would still be an adult astral form, but I would be able to go wherever I wanted. So I did something I hadn't done in along time, I separated my mind and will into two, yet still the same and connected in some level. I had one part stay with my body, and another part be with my astral form as it formed, and separated from me.

It was weird, j could still control and see from my body, but I could also see from my astral form and control it. I had my astral projection go outside the Dursley's and even further, until I was at least Ten times farther away than my previous limit, of the distance I could separate from my body.

Yet I still had could continue to get further away. As I continued further, I could still feel my body and my connection two it, and even know where my body was and where my astral form was. It was like there were two of me, but it was still the same person.

My astral projection had no tether connecting it to my body, instead our connection was much deeper than any tether, our mind and will were connected to one another.

In plenty of work of fictions I knew some similar abilities, and I knew what this one was most like, so I decided to name this new form of astral projection, astral clone projection. Because me and the clone were one in the same.

This would make traversing the dangers of the world much easier. Also with the practice of altering this spell, it would be much easier to invent and alter spells in the future.

Returning my astral clone to my body, I finished my nightly training, and went to bed, entering into the dreamless sleep state.

In the early morning when the sun rose, I woke myself up, for I had plenty of things to do today. After completing my morning training I went to try and find some limits of my new spell astral clone.

I was able to travel much further, I still have not found the limit, I didnt really grow tired or hungry, I only really got mentally exhausted and it seemed even that could he solved for resting for awhile.

The big thing was my magic, I was only able to use my magic for a certain period of time before it ran out, then it would slowly recover over the course of hours, so with my weightless astral body that could fly, it was super to just return to my body everytime needed more magic.

It seemed my physical body gathered and restored my magical power much faster than my astral body, I would need to find out how and why later and try to fix the situation.

After days of expirementing with the astral clone spell I was pretty certain, there were no more major weaknesses, so for the next year I spent every day going around the non magical world and invading the non magical people's minds.

Alot of it was garbage everyday memories, but I was looking for memories, that included skills and knowledge, such as computer skills, math, fighting techniques, science, technology, and all other useful skills and information.

Each Morning and night I still did my daily training, and using Occulemency, I sorted out the garbage memories form the useful one's. Yet there were way too many people and way to many memories, not including the 6 years of Hogwarts education I had to memorize.

So most knowledge I had to store in my mind in a section that was basically a learn this later section. The Knowledge I prioritized was, magic, fighting techniques, computer skills, math, science, and technology.

Most of my time was used on magic and fighting techniques, but I still made time to browse a few memories everyday of the other fields of knowledge. Even the gigantic amount of memories I had stored, I would pick one at random in the morning, and at night to study, everyday.

By doing this I could slowly little down all the memories in had copied and stored. After spending a good chunk of a year in my astral body, my control had gotten much better.

I had even experimented with apparition, only in my astral form though, for after a year of going around Britain, I had basically copied all memories from the most densely populated areas, near me, I tended to focus on copying memories near college's, hospital's, library's, and other institutions that usual has alot of smart people around it.

Sadly, I was born in the year 1981, so computers and computer skills were basically restricted to middle and upper class, as a hobby, and lastly the business and governments for filing, research, and security, and whatever other ways they used computers.

Yet there was one place I knew there would be very smart people, with creative minds who may have the extra knowledge I may need for a new spell idea I had been expirementing with, this past year.

That place was the United States of America, and was the reason for my astral forms training in apparition. For I needed to go to America, but I needed a way to get there very quick, and get back even quicker.

Luckily I was able to succeed with no mishaps or broken astral body parts, but my astral form was made of energy, so I was pretty certain any damage to my astral form could be repaired with more energy, wether it be more of magic or other form of energy.

Sadly I was not able to apparate that far, at least not yet, so I asked my house elves if we had any property in America, and they did not know if I did or not. Sadly house elves were not very smart, even them using their elf magic was more an instinct.

Yet I mad sure my house elves how to read and write, and do basic math. They did, after asking, they told me house elves usually weren't taught to read, write, count or do simple math, but all the Potter elfs were taught how.

So in the Year 1983 I snuck into the United States of America, and made a new base of operations, I named Wizards Cave #2. The place I put my underground base, was of very important strategic planning, it was in Silicon Valley.