Ryan Coleman

"It seems it's time to reveal my powers to the world", said a man who seemed to be on his early twenties with a height of 6 feet 3 inches and a very athletic body. He has extremely handsome facial features, his deep blue eyes and his blonde hair just make him more handsome.

This man is sitting in his home in Queens, New York and is looking at the news. The news channels are showing pictures of alien attack on New York.

Yes, this is the attack on Manhattan, New York done by Loki and his Chitauri Army. This is indeed the Marvel Universe. Let's get back to see who Ryan Coleman is and how can affect the Marvel Universe.

In the year 1988, a very beautiful boy war born. But this boy was anything but normal, he was the reincarnation of a person from Earth(our Universe and not from Marvel/DC Verse) and he seems to have "Breath of the Sun" technique embedded in his brain.

Ryan with help of Breath of the Sun technique was stronger and smarter than his peers. Ryan started to walk at 10 months and by 11 months age, he was able to talk. Ryan found that he is in 1990 in New York. He just practiced Breath of the Sun technique every day as it made him stronger and smarter.

Ryan's happy life went on till he was 7 years old. When Ryan was 7, he along with his parents were going on a long drive. But it was at this time, that their car was hit by some laser beam causing an accident. Both of his parents died immediately but young Ryan somehow survived.

Before loosing his consciousness, Ryan had seen people fighting against each other using hitech weapons. He was shocked as he immediately recognised one of the lady, she was Captain Marvel. His whole life changed at this moment. Ryan then knew that he had reincarnated into Marvel Universe.

After few days of his parents death, Ryan blamed himself for not checking more about this world but he calmed down as there is nothing he could have done. Ryan then began to train Breath of the Sun technique very seriously.

But Ryan didn't forgot to study as in this world, he need money to survive and for other things. And what better way to earn money than to steal money from some corrupt organization and invest in some bigger companies.

After his parents death, Ryan was left with a small sum of money. Ryan then started living in an orphanage and went to public school. Ryan then decided to show his intelligence to the school authorities, so that he can get some sort of scholarship.

After Ryan showed his talent, he was given some sort of scholarship. Ryan finished his middle school at the age 10. After that Ryan took another year to complete his highschool.

After Ryan started studying in the most prestigious Colleges in USA with scholarship.

After that within 5 years, Ryan got three PhD's in High Energy Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Material Science. Ryan did his PhD in such diverse topics to gain more knowledge.

After that Ryan started working in Stark Industries as they were the most technologically advanced company. After 2 years of working in Stark Industries, Ryan resigned as he has gained enough experience as well as money to start off his own research.

Ryan invested in a lot of companies which gave him huge fortune. Ryan then used the money to build his own lab and equipments under his parents house. It took a year for everything to complete.

After another year of hardwork, Ryan finally made his own AI by the name ERICA. Ryan didn't just used all his time to make ERICA, he made some ground breaking research too. And he would sell the patents to the bigger companies.

And after another year, Ryan made a huge fortune by hacking into corrupt companies and stealing their money and from investment and selling patents. Ryan was approached by many but he rejected them all saying that he is only interested in research and all.

Some people tried to hire assassin's to kill Ryan but we're killed instead. Ryan had nobody else in his life, so they can't even threaten him.(Well Ryan was so immersed in his work that he never got time to make friends).

In this year, a certain event happened which shook the world that is Billionaire Tony Stark got kidnapped and the series of events. Ryan didn't let this chance go and bought many shares of Stark Industries in this time.

Ryan also mentioned ERICA to keep an eye on many supernatural events and SHIELD and HYDRA. Ryan was giving most of his time to Nano Technology. Ryan hasn't forgotten Breath of the Sun technique. According to his estimate his physical strength has long exceeded that of Captain American and is reaching near Thor's level.

Like this life went on for another year, when Ryan found out details of Ulysses Klaue's location. Ryan then tracked Klaue for months and finally found the location of Vibranium.

After a month, Ryan personally dispatched and stole about most of what Klaue had and killed all of his minions in the process. After getting his hands on Vibranium, Ryan sped up his research.

After another year, Ryan have developed Vibranium Nano Tech suit (This suit has no form, it can change according to Ryan's input. Ryan has already made some designs that he wants) and made a sword.

Ryan liked the sword more than the Nano Tech suit he made. The sword is in the shape of a Katana but the handle, hand guard and even threads wrapped around the handle for grip were made by Vibranium.

The sword has very fine design on its blade and shin guard. Ryan then made a sheath also out of Vibranium. He also made a belt to hold his sword. Ryan with his outfit looked very very handsome but somewhat wierd due to him wielding a sword and his costume design.

Like this another 3 years passed by and it is the present time. In these 3 years Ryan didn't develope anything groundbreaking except making gravity suit for himself and regenerative serum which boosts body's healing ability by 100 times for the next few hours.

By using both of these, Ryan's physical strength is slightly higher than Thor (without the power up from accessing lightning power and welding Storm Breaker) and slightly lower than Hulk.

Ryan's name has been on SHIELD'S watch list but not as a threat as Ryan never showed his strength anywhere.

Ryan also comprehended 'Breath of all things', in which he can cut anything he wants and couldn't cut if he didn't want to.

Present Time-

After saying, 'it's time to reveal my powers to the world', Ryan stood up and used his Nano Tech to cover his body. Ryan's suit was like Demon Slayers Uniform from Kimetsu no Yaiba with a blue overcoat with Dragons design on it.

( You can check the design of Demon Slayers Uniform here-


After gearing up Ryan said, "It's time for fun ERICA. I will see if I can seduce Natasha Romanoff".

"Yes Sir, you can finally show your powers that you have been holding back. There is more than 65% chances of you getting Miss Romanoff", said Erica with a sweet voice.

"Only 65%?", asked Ryan.

"Yes Sir, taking her past into consideration, it is 65% otherwise it would have been much higher", said Erica.

"Thanks Erica for the complement. Let's go", said Ryan.

After that Ryan dashed towards the area where the alien attack has happened.