Fighting against Chitauri Army(2)

On top of a building, a man with black hair, good looking face and clothes wearing similar to Thor looked at Avengers and Ryan and said, "A new variable! Send the rest and finish them". Large number of Leviathans and Chitauris came from the portal.

Every Avengers was shocked to see such power and speed.

"Whoa kid what was that. Did you remake the super soldier serum or something else", asked Tony.

"You are very fast for a mortal being", said Thor.

"Even my eyes didn't follow his movements", said Hawkeye with a surprised tone.

Natasha, Steve and Banner just looked at Ryan with surprised look.

"Hey guys, let's just focus on these aliens and the perpetrators behind them", said Ryan looking at the increased number of aliens.

"Yeah, the kid is right. We should focus on Loki and ways to close the portal", said Steve.

"Hey, did you just say 'perpetrator' like some old 1990s movie", said Tony.

"Yeah it's just sounded cool", said Ryan.

"Focus guys. Let's work this out as a team. Clint, go to that building and keep your eyes on Loki and his army's movement. Tony, you move around the perimeter and turn everything that moved outside to ash or redirect it towards us", said Steve.

After that Tony took Clint to one of the building and he, himself went to check the perimeters.

"Thor, you go near the portal and use your lightning to light these bastards up. And Hulk, smash!", said Steve.

After that Thor went to a building near Stark tower and electrocuted the Chitauris. And Hulk just roamed around destroying the Chitauri Army.

"Ryan, Natasha and me will just keep the fight here", said Steve.

"Captain, you can go inside the building to help the people there. Me and Natasha will guard here. With my powers, I can handle them", said Ryan.

"Ok, let's do this", said Steve.

After that Steve went inside the buildings to help the people inside. Ryan and Natasha were fighting against the Chitauri Army.

"Natasha, you can just use their weapons as you are low on ammunition", said Ryan.

"Okay thanks. Now cover for me",said Natasha.

After that Ryan flashed and killed many of the Chitauris that could have attacked Natasha. After that Natasha grabbed one of the Chitauri weapon and began fighting with them.

"Hey Natasha, where are you from", said Ryan.

"We are in the middle of a fight and you are flirting with me", said Natasha.

"Well it's kind of boring to fight with them. And if I do not flirt with such a beautiful lady beside me, then what kind of male am I?", said Ryan.

"Oh my, such a sweet talker. Aren't you too young to flirt with me", said Natasha.

"Well I am just 4 years younger than you. So there isn't that big of a difference", said Ryan.

"How do you know my age", said Natasha in surprise.

"We will talk about that later. Let's talk about you now", said Ryan. Like that Ryan and Natasha began to talk with each other for half an hour. In that time Natasha tried many things to make Ryan tell the secret but he didn't budge before Natasha's acting.

As they were talking Steve came back.

"How is the situation inside", asked Ryan.

"There were few of these aliens but the situation have been neutralized and all the victims have been evacuated", said Steve.

After that Steve, Ryan and Natasha fought with the incoming Chitauri Army.

After another half an hour, a tired Thor came and joined the battle.

"This isn't going anywhere. We have to close the portal or we will be tired before their massive number", said Natasha.

"Yes, you are right. But how are you gonna go up", said Steve.

Natasha looked at one of the incoming Flying Chitauri and said, "I got a ride coming this way. I could use a little boost from you guys".

"Well I can send you up, if you want", said Ryan.

"How?", asked Natasha.

Ryan didn't say anything and picked Natasha and jumped for 15-20 meters and changed his boots to boosters.

"Well where do you wanna go my dear Nats", said Ryan. In the 1 hour of fight, Ryan flirted a lot with Natasha and started calling her with names like dear, darling and all.

"Oh, let's go to the Stark tower. There must be something that will help us", said Natasha.

(MC is just lightly flirting and teasing Natasha. Don't think MC doesn't know about her. He knows, but he is just playing with her)

After that Ryan took Natasha to the Stark Tower. Profesor Selvic was just waking up at this moment. Ryan placed Natasha near the Tesseract and said, " Ask the Professor if he knows something on closing this portal. And I will try to minimize the number of aliens coming down".

After that Ryan just used the boosters to went near the portal and began using "Breath of the Sun" technique to cut down the enemies, be it Chitauris or Leviathans. With Ryan's help, about 90% of the Chitauri Army were instantly killed by him.

After another half an hour of fighting, Natasha spoke in the Coms, "I can close the portal. Do anybody copy. I can close the portal".

"Do it now", said Steve.

"Wait don't close it now", said Tony.

"If we don't close the portal, they will keep coming", said Steve.

"Fury just informed that a nuke is coming towards us. And I know just the place to put it", said Tony.

After that like in the movie, Tony took the missile and send it towards the other side of the portal. As soon as Tony send the missile to the other side, the remaining Chitauris somehow died.

After that Natasha closed the portal and Tony just came back in the last moment. But unlike in the movie, he has power remaining to go back to the ground.

Ryan looked at this and thought, "Well the attack is over. I want to know, how much of a difference did I make due to my interference. And lastly I will now develop my own Super Serum without any side effects. If my guess is right, this should be over before Thanos and his minions arrive".

After that Ryan and the Avengers came inside the Stark tower, where Loki was unconscious after Hulk beat the shit out of him.

"Well Hulk really beat the shit out of a demi god", laughed Ryan.

Everybody laughed a bit and Hulk just roared. Well after that Loki started to regain consciousness, but soon found himself before all the Avengers and Ryan.

After that Loki was cuffed and SHIELD agents arrived and began doing their job. Ryan just went behind Natasha leaving others do their job.