Chapter 4: Accusing Her

"We just invited him for a cup of coffee. No need to get worried, Miss Miller."

A cup of coffee?

Like hell! What's the difference between them and kidnappers who take people without a word?

Katrina would be an idiot if she didn't understand what they wanted. She has no room for resistance in the face of these people.

She bites her lips tightly. After a few seconds of silence, she finally says, "I'll go with you. Please let him go."

If the disaster is meant to befall her, she doesn't want to involve anyone else, especially someone she cares about.

Anyway, he's already had his way. A second time won't make a difference.

The man in sunglasses pulls the door open and asks Katrina to get in.

Katrina gets into the car and tries to remain calm. Halfway through, Farrah calls.

"Katrina! We've found him! Patton is here!" The relief in her voice is palpable.

Despite all the bitterness and frustration that she feels, Katrina says, "That's good."

"By the way, did the patient find any fault with you last night?"

After Katrina entered the ward last night, Farrah was rather worried. But there were many patients waiting for treatment, and she had no time to dwell on it.

Katrina could only reply, "No, I'm good."

Her eyes begin to water after the call is disconnected. Though she vowed that she would never come, it seems that she had to break her promise. There's nothing she can do about the situation.

Looking at her slightly red eyes, the man says, "Miss Miller, if you need any material compensation, Mr. Wilson is always willing to meet your needs."

Katrina now belongs to Mr. Wilson.

Aaron Wilson has always been generous. Apart from being responsible for her, anything can be provided.

If any compensation could make Katrina feel better, she would immediately take it. At his words, her anger rises. "Nobody cares about your money!"

Could their money get her innocence back? It was a clear insult to her dignity. She just wants to end this damn relationship as soon as possible.

Katrina's riled up face looks like an angry hedgehog, leaving the man feeling helpless. How could his well-intentioned offer be taken the wrong way?

Fine. Since Mr. Wilson had been rude to her, he has to endure her anger for his boss. It will be fine if she can serve and please Mr. Wilson well.

"Miss Miller, we're here."

It's the same place, with the familiar smells. Katrina is once again in the dark ward.

Still resembling a dormant devil in the dark, the man begins to take pleasure in her sweet body. This time, he's become more skillful and crazed.

The affair lasts for three days. Every night, Katrina acts as his antidote, dissolving the drug in his body and helping him release his most primitive desires.

He's invaded the deepest parts of her body, but she still doesn't know what he looks like.

After three nights, the man vanished, as if he had never existed.

It's like a nightmare that keeps haunting her. Nobody has any idea what she went through.

Katrina comes back home that morning, feeling exhausted.

Sitting on the couch, Sophie Anderson glances at her as she paints her nails. "Oh, Katrina, where did you have fun last night?"

Katrina whispers, "The night shift at the hospital."

Sophie stretches out her delicate hands to admire her bright nails. "Really?"

She coldly looks her up and down with a sneer. "That's from Chanel's latest collection of sequined dresses, priced at $3,000. The Prada dress and the Burberry shirt and jeans in your room are priced at more than $1,500 each. How did you get so much money?"

Katrina's struck dumb by her words. "You've entered my room?"

Every night, her clothes were ruined by the man, so she' had to wear the clothes he provided for her. The clothes she wore the day before yesterday have already been thrown away. How could she have known that?

Sophie casually puts her arm on the back of the sofa. "This is my home. Of course, I can go in and out at will. I never expected you to service old men for money!"

At Sophie's cruel tone, Katrina feels stung and defends herself." I didn't."

"You didn't? So where did these clothes come from? There's no such thing as a free lunch. Katrina Miller, you've brought shame on us! Isn't it enough for our family to adopt you? How dare you do something so vulgar! I'll call my father right now and tell him about you!"

Katrina has been out several nights in a row, and always comes back wearing branded clothes every time. Everyone will think about how her pure and beautiful appearance masked her cunning nature.

Sophie has been upset with Katrina for a long time. She's always wanted to evict Katrina from their family, but her father keeps standing by her.

Katrina becomes alarmed when she sees Sophie pull out her phone. "Please, don't tell Uncle Anderson!"

Even though she didn't mean to give her body for money, she did lose her innocence. The experience from the last few days was a painful memory.

What's more, she doesn't want her most respected Uncle Anderson to know what she suffered.

Katrina's phone suddenly started vibrating. Someone is calling.

She touches her phone and sees the name 'Marcellus' on the screen. Sophie's eyes flash with jealousy and resentment. "Okay, I won't tell my father what you did. But you must promise you'll never see Marcellus again!"

When it comes to Marcellus Brook, it's difficult for Sophie to catch his attention. It's the reason she hates Katrina so much.

Marcellus is the classmate of Samuel Anderson, Sophie's junior high school brother. And Sophie has fallen in love with the boy. He's tall, handsome, and comes from a wealthy family.

But since Katrina's appearance, Marcellus never pays anyone else any attention. Despite loving the boy for so many years, he only cares about Katrina. How could she not get jealous?

Though they weren't a couple, Sophie can't bear his adoring eyes when he looks at Katrina.

As long as Katrina exists, Marcellus will never be with her!