Chapter 9: Brazen Man

Late at night, Aaron enters the house under the moonlight as light as a cicada, covered with the smell of tobacco and wine.

After taking a bath, he casually dresses in a bathrobe and sits lazily on the sofa, closing his eyes and stroking the temples.

Soon, someone knocks at the door.

Aaron says, "Come in."

Randy walks in with four sleeping pills and a glass of warm water. "Mr. Wilson, this is today's medicine."

Aaron doesn't open his eyes. "Put it down," he whispers.

Seeing his tired face, Randy hesitates for a moment and finally says, "Mr. Wilson, Dr. William says they're working on the latest sleeping pills. They'll be available soon and should be effective for insomnia."

Four years ago, Aaron Wilson went to Abbe City for business and was secretly poisoned by someone. The poison was so potent that it should take seven days and seven nights of sex to recover from it.

It was the 50th birthday of Aaron's father at that time, and he hurried back. The poison in his body wasn't completely removed, leaving the root of the disease and causing severe insomnia.

In the past four years, he tried various kinds of medicine for insomnia. All the drugs are a little toxic and will eventually be harmful to the body. Over time, his body will become immune to sleeping pills, rendering it useless.

Randy worries about Mr. Wilson not being able to sleep all night.

The intensity of his daily work is great, and he can't get a good rest. Mr. Wilson is still young and can support himself now, but sooner or later, his body will break down. The only hope is that new sleeping pills can fix Mr. Wilson's insomnia problem.

Aaron nods at Randy's words. "I see."

New sleeping pills? Give it three months at most, and it will be just another useless sugar pill.

Aaron inadvertently recalls that pufferfish girl, who is currently locked in the room. He asks, "How is she?"

"Miss Miller went to bed early and seemed to be in a bad mood. She only had a small bowl of porridge throughout the day."

When Aaron remembers her calling and dropping the phone to the floor when she realized she was talking to him, he can't help smiling.

How could she be in a good mood when she's locked up in the room? She's probably cursing him crazily in her mind.

Anyway, he can't sleep now...

Aaron stands up. "I'll go see her. You can retire early, no need to follow me."

Randy bows. "Okay, Mr. Wilson."

When Aaron comes to Katrina's room, she's huddling herself up in a quilt.

She's so petite that she almost sinks into the soft bed. If it wasn't for her little head outside the quilt, he wouldn't see anyone sleeping on the bed.

Obviously, she doesn't seem to be sleeping well.

She has a delicate and pretty face. Her brows are slightly wrinkled, and her long eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes. Her pointed chin frames her red lips quite nicely.

He doesn't deny that she's beautiful.

Unlike the attractive woman who wears heavy makeup, her beauty is subtle. It blooms from her heart, like a plum blossom in the cold winter. Its fresh beauty isn't gaudy, putting people at ease.

Thinking of the fragrance that he smelled on her earlier that day…

Whether it's his imagination or not, the faint scent keeps lingering in his mind, and he suddenly wants to be close to her.

Aaron leans forward, and her faint scent is sure to pour into his nose as he approaches.

It's not the smell of cosmetics, nor is it a strong perfume smell. It seems to be emanating from within her. Although it's light, it smells good.

Probably because of his breath tickling her ear, Katrina involuntarily frowns in her sleep and turns over.

Seeing her lovely sleeping face, smelling her unique fragrance...

Aaron feels vaguely sleepy.

For four years, he barely slept through full nights.

It's been getting worse recently, and he's been unable to sleep soundly through the whole night. His body has become extremely tired from the lack of sleep.

Every day, a strong dose of sleeping pills can't get him to sleep peacefully. But he's getting sleepy now.

Realizing this, Aaron is a little surprised.

He lifts the corner of the quilt and lies down beside her, gathering her in his arms. His nose is engulfed in her smell.

The scent of her body is like magic, gradually calming his restless nerves.

Closing his eyes, Aaron soon falls asleep.

When Katrina turns over in a daze the next morning, she feels a heavyweight on her waist. She subconsciously reaches out to touch it and feels a strong arm.

Startled, Katrina quickly opens her eyes. Seeing a good-looking man sleeping with even breaths beside her stuns her.

"Ah!" Katrina's scream breaks the silence of the morning, as her brain races through her memories.

What happened last night?

Wasn't she locked alone in the room?

How could she wake up with a man in bed?

When did he come in?

At Katrina's scream, the sleeping man frowns. He opens his dark eyes and looks at Katrina in exasperation.

"Shut up!"

He's seldom able to sleep so calmly and comfortably. Why the hell is this woman being noisy so in the morning? It's unacceptable to disturb his sleep!

Realizing that the man is Aaron, Katrina becomes angry and anxious. "What are you doing here?"

She was alone when she went to bed last night. But when she wakes up today, there's suddenly a man in bed with her. Anyone would be shocked by it.

This jerk! He not only imprisons her but also secretly sleeps in her bed!

Katrina quickly looks down at her clothes, but fortunately, finds no evidence of the assault.

Seeing Katrina so nervous and defensive, Aaron sneers, "This is my villa, I sleep wherever I want."

At Aaron's words, Katrina's cute little face turns pale as embarrassment and anger rise in her. "You… You shameless bastard!"

The man looks like a gentleman, how could he be so shameless?

His big villa has so many rooms and beds, why does he have to sleep in her bed?

He's taking advantage of her!

Indeed, she's never met such a brazen man until now.