Chapter 21: Her Plan Escape

"I'll buy it for you."

Just as Aaron is about to take Katrina by the hand to pull her to the ice cream shop, she suddenly catches him off guard and throws him over the shoulder.

If it weren't for Katrina's sudden move, Aaron would've forgotten that she was a cop. She graduated from a police academy, and she must've mastered some skills.

She runs fast as soon as he falls. As if she already planned her escape route, she runs straight to the door in the opposite direction.

Caught off guard, Aaron looks at her disappearing back and loses his temper, his voice dangerously shrill, "Katrina Miller! Stop right there!"

She dared to trick him!

Unexpectedly using coquetry to puzzle him, knocking him over when he least expects…

Aaron Wilson has never been so humiliated in public since he was a kid, and he has never been knocked down by a woman.

Katrina Miller! He underestimated her!

She looks soft and weak, but she's actually very skilled!

Katrina already defied him and made him angry enough to even think of running away.

Now, she dares to attack him and run away?

Aaron's expression becomes frightening. He's going to catch her and teach her a lesson.

Katrina can't help stiffening at Aaron's cold and sharp voice. But it also makes her even more eager to escape.

Instead of stopping, she runs faster.

Watching Katrina's retreating back, Aaron reaches for his phone and barks, "Lock up the surrounding streets and get that woman back at all costs!"

He's bound to catch her. She won't be able to run away under his nose.

He felt some tenderness for her, but Katrina's surprise attack irritated him.

He had never suffered such a great insult!

Meanwhile, Katrina is thrilled to be out of the mall. She runs in one direction, feeling that she can escape Aaron's sphere of influence.

But she underestimated Aaron Wilson.

Ten minutes later, she's caught by two men and sent back to Aaron.

Seeing his angry and grim face up close, Katrina feels somewhat frightened.

Aaron holds her chin and tilts it up. He says through gritted teeth, "You've made me mad!"

He's never been so angry, even when he thought she had stolen his things. He was tolerant of her again and again. This time, he won't forgive her at all.

Aaron's hands are strong, and his handsome face is insidious. Katrina can feel his radiating anger.

She becomes a little scared and nervous. "What are you going to do?"

"Take her back!" Aaron ignores her, and at his command, Katrina is put back into the car.

On the other side of the car, Aaron's dark face looms with a broken jaw and thin lips. He's not looking at her.

Katrina is choking on his rage. He's not going to kill her, is he?

She only wants to escape because she doesn't want to be kept in his villa any longer.

Although she admits that her method of escaping is somewhat unfair and that she shouldn't have acted against him, if he had agreed to let her go in the first place, she wouldn't have done that.

It was only for her own freedom. What did she do wrong?

Katrina feels a little aggrieved at the thought.

"Aaron Wilson, I already told you I'm not a thief! I have nothing to do with the culprit. Why won't you believe me! Why won't you let me go! What on earth will make you let me go!"

Katrina's voice is very low, and it seems like she's about to cry.

Hearing her words, a sudden rush of emotion surges within him.

She can't wait to leave him?

Aaron doesn't know what's pulling him in, but he won't let her go, no matter how hard she tries to escape.

What he cares about is that she would dare attack him and throw him to the ground when he's unprepared.

Back at the villa, Aaron orders Katrina to be locked in the attic balcony.

The conditions in the open balcony are much worse than in the previous room that used to house Katrina.

When Aaron throws her to the balcony, Katrina goes into a panic, struggling and screaming, "Aaron Wilson, you can't do this to me! Please let me go! Let me go!"

But her shouts have no effect on Aaron. He snorts coldly, then turns and leaves at once.

It isn't long before Aaron changes his clothes and goes out again.

Katrina crouches on the narrow balcony, her face buried in her lap, feeling unspeakable grievance.

Aaron Wilson, that bastard!

Why does he have to imprison her! Why does he do this to her?

She hates him.

Why does he refuse to let her go?

How badly did she provoke him, that he would retaliate this way?

Aaron is away all day, while Katrina is kept locked up on the balcony.

The whole day, no one paid any attention to her or came to see her. Since Randy left, not a single person delivered her food and water.

Through his actions, she could tell Aaron is upset with her.

It turns out that he has such a cruel heart.