Chapter 24: Serious Neat Freak

William enters with his medical kit.

Earlier, he was stunned when he received a call from Aaron's heeler saying that a woman was sick in his villa.

Everyone knows that Aaron has never desired a woman. For so many years, William has never heard of an affair between Aaron and any woman, and a woman has never set foot in his private villa.

It's understandable for William to be greatly shocked at the news.

He rushes to the villa, not only because of his professional attitude as a doctor but also because of his interest in the affair.

He's curious about the woman living in Aaron's private villa. What does she look like?

But when he arrived, Aaron kept him waiting in the living room for a long time.

If he hadn't seen Aaron dressed so neatly, he would think that Aaron has done something unspeakable to the woman to keep him waiting so long.

William immediately comes to the bedside.

The woman lying on the bed looks young and petite. Her eyes are closed tightly, her long eyelashes casting a shadow under her eyelids. Her beautiful lips are pale from the illness, making her look frail.

William becomes even more surprised when he realizes the woman is lying on Aaron's bed.

Aaron is a serious neat freak, and he especially hates it when other people approach his bed.

Once, William accidentally sat in Aaron's bed and was almost thrown out because of this.

But now... Is Aaron letting a woman lying on his bed?

It seems that this woman is really special to Aaron.

William becomes increasingly surprised. "Aaron, I didn't know that this is your type of woman. When did you get to know each other? How long have you been together?"

Last time he was here, he didn't notice anything unusual.

After only a few days, Aaron has managed to keep a mistress in a love nest?

Aaron is unhappy with William's comments on his private life. His dark eyes narrow as he says, "Treat her illness seriously and shut up! Cure her quickly! If she doesn't wake up, your career is over!"

William shivers at Aaron's words.

Aaron has just threatened him. It seems this woman is really important to Aaron.

William doesn't say another word and immediately checks Katrina's condition.

After the examination, William says, "She's very cold from being under the rain too long, and now has a high fever. She needs a shot to reduce her fever and lower her temperature. But don't worry, she's fine. After the injection, she'll wake up tomorrow."

William begins to find the disposable syringe and antipyretic agent from his medical kit and puts the medicine into the syringe.

When everything is ready, William gently presses the syringe to squeeze the air out. "This can only be injected into the muscle on her buttocks. Aaron, please turn her over and lift her skirt up."

At William's words, Aaron's dark eyes fixed on him with anger.

Taken aback by Aaron's glare, William quickly explains, "It's just a shot, Aaron. Don't be so upset, and I don't mean any offense. Don't glare at me like that."

Aaron is too protective of the woman. As a doctor, William feels great pressure. If every female patient's male relatives were like this, how could he stay a doctor? He doesn't know how many times he'll get beaten up.

Unable to bear Aaron's glare, William hesitates to say, "She can just take medicine for the fever, but the effect is relatively slow. I don't know if she'll wake up tomorrow morning from the medicine, but I can try to increase the dose…"

While William rambles about an alternative, Aaron holds out his hand. "I'll do it myself!"

William is shocked. Understanding Aaron's intention, he hands the syringe in his hand.

To prevent William from seeing Katrina's in a state of undress, Aaron plans to give her the injection himself.

Besides, Aaron used to be a soldier in the past and had strict training in case he got seriously injured. Even if he treats the wound on himself, it's not difficult for him to give himself an injection.

After taking the syringe, Aaron glances casually at William, who immediately turns around to evade his stare.

Turning Katrina over, he lifts her skirt and pulls her knickers down. After finding her gluteus maximus, he sticks the needle into her skin.

Despite his gentle actions, it's impossible for her to feel nothing with a needle sticking into her body.

In her unconscious state, Katrina seems to feel the pain, frowning, and groaning slightly.

At her cat-like whine, Aaron becomes worried and comforts her in a low voice, "Hey now, it's just a little pain. It will be alright."

With his back to the scene, William is surprised to witness Aaron being so tender. He's always been aggressive and indifferent.

After Aaron injects the antipyretic into her body, he pulls the needle out and arranges her underwear and skirt before allowing William to turn around.

Half an hour later, William gives Katrina a simple examination and says, "Her body temperature has decreased. It's good to maintain this body temperature. If it's still hot at night, you can adopt a physical cooling method like wiping her body in alcohol."

He adds, "She may catch a cold from the rain. Remember to give her cold medication tomorrow."

After assuring that Katrina is all right, Aaron feels much more relaxed.

Instead of staying in the room and disturbing Katrina, he goes to the living room with William and asks one of his men to bring William a cup of tea.

William drinks his tea, and his dissolute smile is full of interest in gossip.

He doesn't dare ask about Katrina, but William is genuinely pleased to see that Aaron, who has always been aloof towards the opposite sex, finally has a woman.

Because of Aaron's insomnia, William feels great pressure every time he diagnoses Aaron.

Since Aaron has a woman, his temper should improve. Otherwise, nobody can stand him.

Speaking of Aaron's insomnia…

William says, "Aaron, the new sleeping pill, has been developed and is recently undergoing clinical tests. If it doesn't have any side effects, it will be sent to you as soon as possible."

"I see."

Ever since Aaron discovered that Katrina could help him fall asleep quickly, he hasn't looked forward to the new sleeping pills.

He's more willing to choose her over medicine.