Chapter 27: I Don’t Mind Feeding You Personally

Besides "asshole," has she ever cursed another way? Will she just keep repeating herself?

What a naive and stupid girl. She can't even curse properly!

But seeing her reaction, Aaron feels a little sad and asks softly, "Are you so anxious to leave? Is staying here so horrible?"

He can buy the most beautiful clothes and the most expensive jewelry for her. He can invite the world's best chef to prepare her three meals a day, 365 days a year, without repetition. He can give her the best life money can offer, making her the envy of every woman.

Aaron is handsome, rich, and dignified. Many women dream of climbing into his bed and getting involved with him.

Wouldn't it be better to stay with him than be some insignificant policewoman?

Aaron doesn't know where this sudden urge to dote on her came from, but she's the first woman to incite such a desire in him.

He doesn't want to keep her because he wants to take vengeance on her. But after meeting her, he couldn't bear to let her go.

This is the only reason he forced her to stay here.

Katrina immediately loses control of her emotions. "You almost… froze me to death… yesterday."

The nerve of this guy to ask her why she doesn't want to stay here!

Who would want to stay in a place that restricts her freedom? Who would want to face such a bully and demon every day?

In only three days, she's already been tortured so much. Will she survive if she remains any longer?

The tears in Katrina's eyes make Aaron's heart shrink instantly.

He's rendered speechless in the face of her accusations.

He was the one who didn't think things over and went too far yesterday.

After a few seconds of silence, Aaron holds her in his arms and strokes her hair gently. He says in a low voice, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

He will never again let her get drenched in the rain or cause her to become ill.

What happened yesterday was an accident, and he won't let it happen again.

Aaron's arms are strong and powerful, and his chest is firm and wide. In his arms, Katrina can feel his body temperature and strong breathing.

But Katrina can't find herself believing that Aaron will change into a good man because of this little act of tenderness. To her, he's still a ruthless and greedy devil.

Katrina wipes the tears off her face and pushes Aaron away. She says in a calm voice, "I'm done with the porridge. I'm sleepy now, and I want to rest."

It's clearly a dismissal.

Aaron knows Katrina isn't really sleepy. She simply doesn't want to see him.

But due to yesterday's events, he doesn't bother her anymore. He gives her the medicine and leaves.

After Aaron leaves, Katrina tosses and turns restlessly on the bed.

She suddenly realizes that she's not in the room she'd been sleeping in for the past two nights.

The luxurious room is large and simple, in dominantly cool colors. It seems to be Aaron's room.

If she slept in Aaron's room last night, where did Aaron sleep?

Katrina recalls the vague memory of a nearby furnace during her semi-conscious state. She immediately realizes that the source of heat was none other than Aaron.

Did Aaron sleep with her all night?

Katrina looks down at her clothes. Not only had they been changed, but so was her underwear.

There's no one else in the house. The only person who could possibly be responsible is Aaron.

Not only did he sleep with her last night, but he also took off her clothes and saw her naked while she was unconscious!

At the realization, Katrina can't help grinding her teeth in rage and shame.

Aaron, you bastard!

How could he do such a thing to her!

What an animal!

For so many years, she's always been innocent in love. She never even had a boyfriend…

Except for the incident four years ago when a drugged man forcibly raped her.

Now, she's indiscriminately imprisoned by Aaron, who has taken advantage of her several times.

Why does she keep getting caught up in bad things? Is she destined to have a bad fate?

In contrast, she suddenly realizes what gentleman Marcellus is.

At lunchtime, Aaron comes to the room and calls Katrina downstairs to eat.

Still upset that Aaron might have seen her naked, Katrina turns her back to him and says in a sullen voice, "I'm not hungry. I don't want to have lunch."

Katrina is depressed and in a bad mood. She doesn't want to see Aaron now, let alone have lunch with him.

Not hungry?

Aaron scowls at Katrina's response.

Her illness had became so serious that it takes a great effort to get better. Now, she doesn't want to have a good meal. Does she want to go on a hunger strike because of him?

Aaron definitely won't allow Katrina to hurt herself this way.

He says patiently, "Even if you aren't hungry, you have to go down and eat something."

Katrina simply pulls the blanket over her head.

At breakfast, she was forced to eat porridge through a shameless method. Would he do the same for lunch?

He can't chew it up and feed it to her!

Seeing Katrina hiding and avoiding him, Aaron bends down to pick her up along with the blanket.

She feels her body suddenly rises and falls into a warm embrace. When she feels a draft behind her, Katrina immediately lifts the blanket over her head. "Aaron, what are you doing?"

From her perspective, she can see his angular chin and slightly closed lips.

Aaron looks straight ahead and strides downstairs. "Going downstairs to have lunch!"

Katrina struggles in his arms. "I said I wasn't hungry! I don't want to eat!"

But her strength is too weak, and there's a blanket around her, restricting her movements. Her struggle was in vain. His steps remain steady and unaffected.

Soon, Katrina is taken to the dining room on the first floor.

Aaron places her on the chair in front of the table. He sits next to her and puts the food into her bowl to supervise her eating.

Lunch is much more sumptuous than breakfast.

For Katrina's sake, Aaron asked the chef to make light dishes that are easy to digest.

Once again, forcibly carried against her will, Katrina is upset and angrily turns her head away. She doesn't want to see Aaron.

Katrina looks like a mangy girl.

Aaron touches his chin and thinks for a moment before he says, "Since you won't eat, you can sit on my lap. I don't mind feeding you personally."