Chapter 34: He Is Talking About Her

Aaron smiles politely at Victoria. "Miss Roberts, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. What brings Miss Roberts here?"

Victoria shyly opens the package she brought with her. "Aaron, my father is very grateful for the gift you gave him for his birthday. He loved it. To express his gratitude, he asked me to make some dessert for you."

She's only supposed to send over the dessert, but she wanted an opportunity to become closer to Aaron.

The dessert in the box looks delicate and attractive. Aaron's lips slightly raise as he praises, "Mayor Roberts is very kind, and Miss Roberts is quite brilliant."

Victoria can't describe how pleased she is to hear Aaron's praise.

Seeing Aaron and Victoria talk to each other so happily, Katrina feels that there's no need for her to stay any longer.

With her attention focused on Aaron, Victoria definitely doesn't notice Katrina.

Katrina silently prepares to turn around and leave, but Aaron suddenly grabs her by the wrist. His black eyes fixed on her. "What happened to your hands?"

The moment she turns around, Aaron realizes that her pale and delicate hands have turned red, and there are several blisters on her skin.

She was clearly well when he left this morning. How did she suddenly get hurt again?

Katrina isn't used to being held by Aaron in front of someone else, let alone Victoria.

"I'm fine." She tries to pull her hand out of Aaron's grasp, but he holds on tightly.

Aaron looks over at Randy, who starts to sweat with fear.

If Aaron hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have known that Katrina was burned. She didn't utter a word, and he only heard Victoria's shout.

At the sight of Aaron holding Katrina's hand, Victoria's jealousy flares and complains, "Aaron, your servant is careless! I asked her to pour a cup of coffee and she spilled it on my skirt. She soiled the new dress I'm wearing today."


Aaron frowns at the word.

But he soon understands the situation.

He knows how Victoria feels about him. Is Victoria deliberately trying to embarrass Katrina?

Aaron doesn't want to get into trouble with the Roberts family over something so trivial.

"Miss Roberts, please wait a moment. Randy, get me the medicine kit."

Aaron takes Katrina's hand and makes her sit on the sofa next to him.

When Aaron gets the medicine kit, he finds the medicine for burns and applies it to Katrina. He's wary of hurting her and keeps his actions gentle.

Victoria is stunned at the scene.

How could Aaron care so much for a servant and personally put ointment on her?

Is this woman really Aaron's servant?

Shocked and jealous, Victoria is rendered speechless.

After all, she and Aaron don't have a real relationship. She only likes him.

Victoria feels uncomfortable watching the scene, and as the center of attention, Katrina feels the same way.

In the face of Aaron's sudden gentleness in front of his admirer, Katrina feels like she's on pins and needles.

While Aaron applies for the medicine on her, Victoria clearly looks angry but afraid to complain. Is this woman not in a relationship with Aaron?

Apparently, Miss Roberts is the daughter of the mayor.

Aaron doesn't care about her injuries. He's clearly just causing trouble for her.

Even if he lets her go one day, she might have to face Miss Roberts' ire when she leaves his villa. Thinking about it makes Katrina feel a little stressed.

After wiping the ointment, Aaron gently touches her head. "Good girl, now go back to your room and get some rest."

Katrina can't wait to get out of here. She quickly nods and heads for her room.

Victoria isn't stupid enough to confront and ask Aaron about Katrina, but she's particularly uncomfortable with Aaron's affectionate actions towards her.

To deflect her feelings, Victoria moves onto a new topic.

"Oh, Aaron! Last time, you got a phone call at my father's birthday party about your sick kitten, and you left in a hurry. Is it better now? I like small animals a lot. I used to be the vice-president of our school's animal protection association. Can I see it? Maybe it'll be like me."

Victoria knows that Aaron is a man who loves pets.

As the saying goes, love me, love my dog. Since she likes him, she naturally wants to try her best to connect with him more through this topic. Maybe there's a possibility of turning the situation around.

Aaron nods gravely. "Thank you, Miss Roberts. She's doing much better, but she's too timid. Maybe another time."

Katrina is confused to hear Aaron's response to Victoria.

A cat?

Being at Aaron's villa for so long, she knows that Aaron doesn't have a cat.

She knows he has a dog that went abroad for rehabilitation training due to physical reasons.

Birthday party?

Suddenly, Katrina realizes something.

The night that Aaron went to Mayor Roberts's birthday party, he shut her up on the balcony, and she got wet and sick.


He's not talking about an actual cat. He's talking about her!

How could he talk such nonsense so seriously? Katrina's face turns red at the realization. Does this bastard see her as his real pet?

But hearing that, Aaron set aside his social engagements to hurry back as soon as he got the phone call… Katrina feels touched.

At least he's not always inhuman and indifferent towards her. He's actually capable of worrying about her.

When Katrina returns to her room, Aaron accompanies Victoria in the living room. He drinks coffee, chats with her, and shows her around his private villa.

Victoria isn't sure if it's her imagination, but she feels that even though Aaron seems polite to her, he's somehow cold towards her.

Is it because she asked the woman to pour her coffee, or because the woman hurt her hand and he's blaming her?

Unexpectedly, Aaron cares a lot about a woman who claims to be his servant.

Katrina doesn't know when Victoria left.

When it's nearly time for dinner, Randy knocks on her door. "Miss Miller, dinner's ready. Mr. Wilson is calling for you."