Chapter 69: Jealous Katrina


Beta bit Miss Roberts' dog.

Katrina doesn't know if the injury is serious, but she's afraid it will cause a problem.

While Katrina secretly worries about Beta, Aaron's thin lips lift, and he says, "I'm sorry, Miss Roberts. Beta gets easily provoked by other dogs' aggression. I'll help you contact the best veterinarian in the store. Please charge the treatment fee of your dog to my account."

Although his tone is sincere, Katrina feels that his apology is a bit perfunctory.

After Aaron's apology, what can Victoria do? No matter how heartbroken she is, she has to accept Aaron's solution.

After all, it was her little teddy that provoked his German shepherd dog.

Like Victoria, her pet has been pampered from a young age and coddled like a baby. Little teddy likes to bully the weak and fears the strong. With the favor of his master, he believes that no one dares to bully him, but he likes to make trouble everywhere.