Chapter 84: Justice Knows No Bound

Katrina can't bear the woman's actions. Seeing someone older than her kneel submissively in front of her will shorten her life.

Besides, justice knows no bounds. Punishing evil-doers and encouraging people to do something well is her duty as a police officer.

She doesn't do it to get people's gratitude or to enjoy the honor of being respected. She simply can't bear to see aggressive culprits bully ordinary people.

Katrina hurries to help the middle-aged woman up. "It's good that the money is still here. Don't mention it. Please get up."

She takes the trouble to help the middle-aged woman up.

Meanwhile, the police who received the call arrived at the scene.

They greet Aaron's heelers and push the handcuffed thief into the car.

Aaron is known all over Hadley City.

Seeing Aaron's heelers treat Katrina so respectfully, the police realize that she must have an impressive background. They say politely, "Miss, can you spare some time to make a statement at the police station?"