Chapter 95: She Disappeared

At the thought, Katrina quickly picks up the clothes and goes into a cubicle.

Two minutes later, Katrina steps out of the compartment in different clothes. She is dressed in pale blue cleaner's overalls, with a long coat and a pair of long trousers wrapped tightly around her body. A large white mask covers most of her face. She looks like a cleaner with a plain cap on her head.

Katrina stands in front of the mirror and takes a deep breath.

Even if her best friend Farrah stands in front of her, she may not recognize her.

She takes a moment to relax her mind. As long as she doesn't act unusual, she won't be discovered. She just needs to hold on so she can get out.

Her success or failure will depend on it.

Katrina presses the brim of her cap down and goes out of the bathroom, pushing the cleaning trolley next to her.