Chapter 108: Marcellus Is Gentleman

Holding Katrina's hands, Farrah feels that her hands, which had been covered with callouses because of her frequent assignments, are softer and smoother than before.

Since Katrina isn't willing to tell her the truth, Farrah won't ask. What difference does it make if she doesn't know the truth? As long as she is sure that Katrina is fine, she can rest assured.

Farrah takes Katrina's arm intimately as she usually does and exits the airport with her best friend. As they walk, she talks to Katrina.

"Katrina, while you were gone, your landlord contacted me and asked me if you were still going to continue renting your place. I've paid three months of your rent, but it must have gotten dusty after such a long time. It needs a good cleaning."

When she hears Farrah's words, Katrina feels warm. "Farrah, you're such a great friend! Thank you!"

In the midst of her captivity and plotting for her escape, she forgot that her rent was due.